The Herb of Immortality

You probably know sage as a cooking spice. But it’s too good just to keep in your kitchen and break out only for your Thanksgiving turkey.
Your ancient ancestors prized sage. They thought people who drank sage tea never got old.
They called sage the “herb of immortality.”
In ancient Rome, if you wanted to pick sage you had to have a ceremony. The ancient Aztecs also revered it, and used the leaves to make face paint that marked rank in their society.

She Gave Me The Food Of The Gods

The first time I cracked one open I couldn’t believe the exotic, chocolaty-vanilla smell.
Here I was in one of the most remote parts of the Amazon, looking for healing herbs to bring back for patients at my clinic. And instead I had found the “Food of the Gods.”
That’s the Greek name for the tree that produces one of the sweetest, creamiest fruits I have ever eaten.
It’s called cupuaçu (coo-poo-ah-SOO). Have you heard of it?
Let me tell you the story of how I first experienced cupuaçu…
Andrea is a small town doctor I met in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. He lives in the very tiny, quaint town of Bela Vista deep in the Amazon near the center of South America.
His father was the first white man in the area. He was a Dutch missionary who had to take a helicopter and then a boat to even reach this very, very remote part of Brazil. He came from the Netherlands, and worked with the locals who had never been exposed to white people at all.
I was having a meeting with Andrea, talking about how much things had changed. And how there were only a few isolated pockets, deep in the jungle, that had not been influenced by white people.
He was going to take me to them. And while we were having this meeting Andrea’s mother said, “Oh, those are the people who introduced us to cupuaçu.”

Sorry, Vegetarians…

People still mistakenly believe that eating a lot of protein from meat hurts your bones.
The reason is that some studies found that people would lose lots of calcium through their urine after eating protein.
Scientists have speculated for decades on the reason for all that calcium leaving people’s bodies. Way back in 1968, a piece published in The Lancet theorized that you use calcium from bones to counter the acidity produced when you break down the meat you eat when you digest it.
And the theory stuck.
But just speculating it was “because of meat” doesn’t make it true.

Addicted to Nature?

Eating a bagel and cream cheese or crunching on some pretzels is addictive in much the same way, biologically, as narcotics are.
That’s because grains like wheat, barley, and rye – and milk from cows – have something in them that acts just like morphine. They’re called “exorphins.” They can make you weak and tired, and take over your body just like they’ve taken over the Western diet.
But today I’m going to show you how to stop this from happening, get rid of the foods with exorphins that can make you weak, and give your body foods that will keep you strong.
But first, let me explain how grains can be so addictive…

It Takes Me Someplace Else…

Peppermint is a real medical curiosity to me. It’s wonderfully effective and it’s almost immediately effective.
I don’t completely understand it. How can you take an herb, and it has its effect in one to five seconds? It means there’s something else going on other than the normal explanations of chemistry and physiology.
Part of it might be the aromatherapy effect, because it’s very aromatic. You can crush the leaf in your fingers and inhale it, and feel better in an instant.
Break it up and breathe it in and you get that “aaaahhhhhhhhhh” feeling. Like you just came back from taking a shower, or a walk on a spring day. It takes you someplace else…

The Skinny On Fat

Guess what they feed a pig if they want to make it as fat as possible as fast as possible?
Low-fat milk.
Because if they give the pig milk with fat in it, the pig gets satiated. It’s satisfied and won’t eat any more. But if they give it low-fat milk, it will eat the grain they feed it forever because it’ll have a deficiency of fat.
Now think of what we’re eating for breakfast in this country…

Mysterious Magic Milk

The members of the All Russian Physician’s Society were frantic. They needed the mysterious source of this magic milk called “kefir” that seemed to cure so many health problems.
But how to get it?
Desperate, they turned to the Blandov brothers. The Blandovs owned the Moscow Dairy, but also a cheese factory in the Caucasus Mountains, where kefir originated.
Please, the doctors asked, find a way to get us the source – these “kefir grains” – so we can make a steady supply of kefir for our patients.
Nikolai Blandov agreed. The Moscow Dairy would get a monopoly on producing the miracle milk. So he sent a beautiful young employee named Irina Sakharova to seduce a local prince of the Caucasus near their factory in Kislovodsk.

How To Build Strong Bones That Last a Lifetime

I have some news for you that goes against almost everything you hear on CBS News, or read on WebMD… osteoporosis isn’t caused by a lack of calcium.
Mainstream medicine still has its head in the sand on this. I just read a new study from the Journal of the American Dietetic Association claiming – again – that you aren’t getting enough calcium, and that calcium is what prevents osteoporosis.
Don’t get me wrong, calcium is critical for making bone. But you’re getting enough calcium. It’s in almost everything you can think of – like bread, milk, orange juice, pasta, yogurt, toothpaste, chewing gum, snack crackers and granola bars… it’s even in your water, depending on where you live. That’s a lot of calcium.
In fact, two studies back up what I’ve known for years. Higher calcium intake doesn’t prevent fractures due to bone loss,1 and can damage your heart.

Frankenstein Lurking in Your Pantry

The world’s biggest, most powerful agriculture companies are experimenting with your life. You never agreed to take part in it. But it’s triggering infertility, tumors, kidney and liver disease and more.
Big-Agra giants like Monsanto are helping to put untested mutations on your dinner table. These Franken-food experiments are better known as GMOs, or genetically modified organisms.
Big-Agra’s number one cash crop – soy – is creeping into thousands of products you eat every day, whether you know it or not. sixty to 70 percent of ALL processed foods contain some soy.
And, almost all soy crops are genetically modified. This “mutant soy” is clinically documented to cause depression, fatigue, infections, brain fog, nausea… even cancer.

“I Get Noticed Everywhere I Go”

Take a look at this …
“I’m 50 years old and started taking Primal Lean about six months ago. I’ve lost a total of 75 pounds and I’m now a size 2. A SIZE 2! I have never been a size 2 ever, probably not even as a child. Thrilled is an understatement. It has brought my marriage back to life. I am noticed everywhere I go. I have so much energy and am so sincerely happy I cannot begin to tell you. The ability to try on anything and be happy with the way it fits and looks is amazing.
“Dr. Sears, you have given me something I could never accomplish on my own. The smallest I could ever get was a size 8, which seems huge compared to the size I am wearing now. THANK YOU!”
Let me explain…

The One Nutrient I Take Every Day

When I was in med school 25 years ago, a small group of researchers were quietly laying the groundwork for a breakthrough that, at the time, sounded like science fiction.
Today it’s reality. People like you are keeping the power of youth into old age. I’ve seen it first hand.
Being one of the first board certified doctors in anti-aging medicine, I’ve had a front row seat for this remarkable discovery. The breakthrough I’m talking about is a brand new form of CoQ10 called Accel. It’s helping my patients make unbelievable gains.
The energy Accel supplies to your major organs is so powerful; they just don’t seem to break down or get older. All the limitations we associate with aging are going out the window.*
The inventor of Accel – Dr. Mae from Japan – showed me some test results when he stopped by for a visit. The mice taking Accel were the equivalent of 80-year old humans – and they were running around like teenagers.
Now you have the possibility of keeping the power of youth… even as you hit 80 and beyond.
Let me explain…

Four Things Women Need

Most of the “advice” I see on Dr. Oz and Oprah, in Women’s Health and in the New York Times Magazine on Sunday seem to center on the same things.
These reports I’ve been seeing lately give women advice like suggesting you eat fake, processed “health” foods like flaxseed. But they’re unnatural to your body. People used to wear flax, not eat it.
And animal studies have found that overdose of flaxseed may cause shortness of breath, rapid breathing, weakness or difficulty walking, and may cause seizures or paralysis.1
Too many articles I’ve read also recommend you load up on more calcium that you could ever want or use. Meanwhile, studies show too much calcium puts you at a 31 percent greater risk for heart attack.2
And did you see the report on women’s heart health from the director of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory at Tufts University? It’s one of the most prestigious research universities in the country. And here she is, concluding that women should eat whole grains instead of vegetables.
Today I’m going to show you some real ways to stay healthy. Forget junk foods like soy, flax and whole grains. Here are four things you can use to avoid disease and help you stay happy and strong for life…

How Many Apples a Day?

When I was a kid, the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” was pretty much right on target.
Back then, apples were full of energy-rich nutrients you need to stay vital, youthful and energized. But today’s apples are a different story.


Do you know how hay fever got its name? In England, they harvest alfalfa and other grasses to make hay for winter animal feed. It’s the “dust” from these grasses that are the original cause of hay fever.
A British doctor named John Bostock originally described the symptoms way back in 1819. He called it “a periodical infection of the eyes and chest.”1
Today, we know that what happens is an overreaction of your immune system to particles in the air, like pollen and ragweed. They are produced by trees in the spring, and grasses in the early summer.

This Keeps Me Going…

I was introduced to a remarkable healing herb during my latest trek through the Amazon Rainforest.
The natives of the Amazon River Basin have been using this potent herb to prevent fatigue and increase endurance for centuries.
I was lucky enough to have the chance to experience this herb first-hand during a 15-mile hike through the jungle. I was expecting to feel drained and sore… but that wasn’t the case at all. I felt incredibly focus and energized. In fact, I felt like I could keep going for another 15 miles… no problem!

Feeling It In Your Gut

Think about the ways we use the word gut…
We use our “gut” to describe a lot of the things we feel. You need to have guts to try something new… you can bust a gut laughing… your gut tells you when something is right.
We are learning that there may be more reason to use the word in these ways than we knew.
For example, a brand new study finds that your “gut” may control your organs.
What happens in your gut appears to activate your liver, and benefit your kidneys, colon, digestive tract, blood plasma, metabolism and reproductive system.

Herb of Grace

There’s an herb that’s not very well know in the United States, but in India, this plant is so revered that they use it in their ritual to consecrate newborn babies. They believe it opens the gateways to knowledge.
It’s called bacopa.
It likes warm climates with lots of available water, like we have here in South Florida.

How I Keep the Critters Out

When you think “organic,” you probably have a picture in your head of produce – organically grown fruits and vegetables.
But I want you to know about organic pesticides because of the growing evidence that chemical pesticides are linked to Parkinson’s disease.
In a study published by the journal Archives of Neurology, researchers were looking at people’s occupations, and how likely they were to get Parkinson’s disease.
What they found shocked them.