Will Vitamins Become Prescription Only?

Your right to make choices about your own body is being challenged.
I seldom, if ever, discuss politics with you. But this in one occasion when something needs to be said.
There’s a new bill in Congress.
If it passes, the FDA will have the right to permanently take away any vitamin or natural supplement it chooses. And once it’s gone, your access disappears… forever…

Better Than 10 Servings of Spinach

You’d have to eat 10 servings of spinach to get the same level of minerals from just one serving about 50 years ago.
Producers create “hybrid” forms of your fruits and vegetables – not for their ability to store nutrients – but for their color, weight and shelve life. Why? So they’ll look nice and pretty when they sit under the fluorescent lights of your supermarket.
You may think they look nutritious, but “under the hood,” they contain little more than indigestible cellulose, sugar, and water.
To help protect you from this tragedy, I created a formula of powerful “green foods” that gives you the nutrient power of over 9 pounds of assorted vegetables – all from drinking a naturally fortified glass of juice or water…

Teflon vs. My Grandmother

I love to get in the kitchen on a Sunday morning. My favorite breakfast is three eggs cooked in butter with a side of grass-fed steak. Plenty of protein and omega-3s. My family wakes up to the delicious smell, and you can’t beat the taste. We love steak and eggs.
But recently, I went back to the good old-fashioned cast-iron pots and pans my grandmother used to use. I threw out all my Teflon. As convenient as they are, I won’t use them.
The chemical that manufacturers use to prevent food from sticking is called perfluorooctanoate acid (PFOA). This substance is highly toxic to the environment and to the human body…

Enjoy a Few Cold Ones at Your Super Bowl Party Without the Beer Belly

This year, I’m lucky… I have tickets to the Super Bowl.
On Sunday, I’ll be driving down to Miami with a few friends to watch the big game. I’m extra excited because my new fitness book, P.A.C.E.: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution, is being featured in the official program for the event.
The Super Bowl is a truly American tradition that brings families and friends together for a day of good fun and good food.
And good beer.

Tasty Fruit Lowers Cholesterol

Has your doctor recommended you take a statin (cholesterol-lowering) drug?
In the old days, almost all of my heart patients were on statins. These days, even people who don’t have heart problems are taking them.
Most doctors have good intentions. They prescribe statins as a preventative. This sounds great until you look at just a few of the side effects from taking these drugs:

Dr. Sears' #1 "Rule"

A revealing study found something very important. For some reason, I find that people have a hard time believing it. But because it is so valuable, let’s see if I can convince you…
People who eat low-carb, high-protein diets lose fat and gain muscle.1
In fact, in this study, the people who ate a high-protein diet shed seven pounds in six weeks. The group who followed a standard diet didn’t drop any weight. And, the high-protein group simultaneously gained twice as much muscle…

How to Use CoQ10…

You know that I don’t often tell you to take supplements when you can find it in food. But there is one supplement I recommend to all of my patients and take myself every day.
It is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).
CoQ10 puts cancer into remission and is such a powerful heart cure, it reverses heart disease. It acts like a generator for every organ in your body. It increases energy so they function at their best.
CoQ10 is key to the protection of your body’s cells. It’s just like the key you use to lock your front door, keeping you safe and secure. Without enough CoQ10, your cells become weak and open to attack.
Now, CoQ10 is proven to fight what I believe is the root cause of all disease: inflammation…

Natural Remedies Beat the Flu

Flu season hit us this year with a vengeance. With the swine flu (H1N1), it’s an epidemic.
And it’s not over yet. Moms are in a panic, waiting for a cough or fever that signals the start of a serious, contagious disease. It’s not entirely unreasonable to worry, because the flu results in approximately 30,000 deaths a year.1
But there is something you can do about it. Prevention is as close as your cupboard…

Farmers Are Missing This Must-Have Metal

Many minerals – like iron and zinc and selenium – are essential to life. Without them, your body could not function. And because your body can’t make them, you need a reliable source from your diet.
On commercial farms, the soil no longer has the minerals it used to. That means you may be suffering from a mineral deficiency…

The Awful Truth About CoQ10

There may be a big problem with your CoQ10.
When you take your CoQ10, you should feel more energy, greater endurance, and quicker, clearer thinking. These benefits are well established.1,2,3
Yet, patients tell me they don’t feel any different with CoQ10. And when they show me their bottle, I immediately know why…

Even the Vultures Are Dying…

The drugs in the commercial beef you buy at your local supermarket are getting so bad, even the vultures are dying.
I just read a report that millions of vultures died in South Asia after eating cattle carcasses tainted with two drugs used to treat livestock.1
As scavengers, vultures have an iron-clad digestive system. Look at their diet – the birds eat nothing but putrid meat day in and day out. Yet their numbers have decreased – almost to extinction in some cases – because of the deadly effect of drugs we inject into cattle.

Use Nature's "Glue" for Stronger Bones

Taking calcium supplements will give you a short-term boost in bone density, but that’s it. Over time, your hormones will work against the extra calcium and actually leave your bones more brittle than before.
Consider this: The U.S. has the highest intake of calcium, yet our rates of osteoporosis are the highest in the world. Countries with lower intakes of calcium have lower rates of hip fracture and osteoporosis.
A lack of calcium isn’t why your bones become weak…

What's in Your Water?

Do you agree with me when I tell you, you need to filter your tap water? I have found some skepticism when I’ve discussed this before. But just take a look…
A landmark new report from the non-profit Environmental Working Group reveals the sad state of our nation’s tap water…

Swine Flu Is Still a Danger

The swine flu is lingering.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says 50 million Americans have been infected so far.
My office is still getting a lot of mail and phone calls about it. And when it comes to you and my patients, I do have concerns.
The swine flu isn’t the huge pandemic the fear-mongers were predicting. But it’s having widespread effects… especially on the elderly and those who have a low immune threshold.
And here’s the real problem: If you’ve been loading up on a lot of refined foods… if you aren’t getting enough antioxidants… if you’re stressed out and not getting enough sleep… if you suffer from recurrent inflammation…

Flu Shot Foul Up

You may have taken the flu shot this winter…
Along with that, your doctor may have given you a pain reliever such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin (NSAIDs) to avoid crankiness and irritability as the vaccine takes effect.
Most doctors even recommend it.
But the combination of vaccine and NSAID isn’t such a great idea…

Most Doctors Make This Mistake…

When I see patients here at my clinic, there’s one thing I recommend more than anything else. And it’s not a drug.
It’s so critical to health and longevity, just about everyone I see needs at least 50 mg a day.
I take it myself everyday… without fail.
This nutrient is essential if you:
* Are concerned about the pumping power of your heart…
* Want to support your brain and ensure a continuous supply of energy…
* Are having those “senior moments”…
* Worry about feeling blue…
* Want to support a strong immune system…
Know you don’t have the energy you used to and need an extra boost to keep going…

Lance Armstrong Takes This for Energy

World-class cyclist Lance Armstrong uses a powerful nutrient to safely and naturally boost his athletic performance.
It’s so reliable; Olympians and serious exercisers are flocking to it for help during strenuous workouts.1
I’m talking about quercetin, a powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory bioflavonoid that also boosts the immune system and increases mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) in your muscles and brain.

Ward Off More Than Vampires

You can’t turn on a TV or pick up a magazine or newspaper these days without seeing the latest, scary statistics about this season’s flu epidemic.
But what can you do about it?
Well, first, you can try to prevent getting sick in the first place. You can take advantage of something you probably already have in your own kitchen … garlic.