The Mysterious Healing Fruit

They seem like the most normal fruit. You can get them year round, they’re cheap, and they’re always the same. So you buy a few, cut them up, sprinkle the juice on fish or use it in a salad dressing.
Lemons are no big deal, right?
Well, not so fast.
Turns out, lemons have a number of unique qualities that set them apart.
They are unusually charged with a purer concentration of negatively charged ions, or anions, than any other fruit. Some scientists think this might be why lemons are so good for your digestion. Lemons balance the other foods and help your body extract energy from them.

I’m Proud Of My High Cholesterol

Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. Cholesterol is what heart disease acts upon.
Cholesterol is a good thing. The more you have, the longer you’ll live.
In fact, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet did a study that looked at 724 people and followed them for 10 years. Researchers found that higher cholesterol meant a lower chance of dying from any cause.1
Cholesterol is a part of your body, and it’s a bad idea to declare war on a part of your body.
Unfortunately, many people who rely on mainstream medicine for health information haven’t gotten the message.
The way modern medicine treats cholesterol is the same as saying, “You have Alzheimer’s disease, let’s cut off your head.” It’s like if you come to me to have your bone mineral density measured, and I say, “We’ve found a problem with your bones. We have to take them out.”

Holiday Help for Your Blood Sugar

If you didn’t pay too much attention to your blood sugar, here are some herbs and minerals I use in my practice that naturally improve your body’s response to insulin. They’re completely safe and keep your blood sugar in check.
These are my favorite nutrients you can use right away to help control your blood sugar:

83,000 Heart Attacks Are Not Enough?

An FDA panel has just ruled that the diabetes drug Avandia should remain on the market.
This despite the fact that it’s been linked to 83,000 heart attacks and 304 deaths.1,2
Well… that sounds like great news for GlaxoSmithKline, who makes the drug. But I don’t think anyone should ever take any drugs like this. Here’s why…

My New Year Formula for Better Blood Sugar

You can beat fat and knock out diabetes this New Year.
In my practice I use a handful of minerals and herbs that naturally improve your body’s response to insulin. They’re safe and keep your blood sugar in check.
My friend and colleague Dr. Michael Cutler sent me an email with a very good round-up of the best herbs and minerals.
These insights mirror my own research, and I wanted to share them with you…

What I Prescribe for Better Blood Sugar

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so let’s set the record straight: Eating a few extra helpings of turkey or ham will not make you fat.
It’s the stuffing and the potatoes that pack on the holiday pounds. The bottom line is insulin and how much your body makes. Starchy foods like bread and potatoes will send your blood sugar through the roof, triggering waves of fat-producing insulin…

Your Grandparents Had the Right Idea

I am writing to you this morning from my study at home. I like to write here in the early morning because I can see the sunrise through my study window.
On my desk there’s a container with some leftover salmon and spinach salad from last night. I pulled it from the fridge for breakfast.
High protein breakfasts are your best bet to get yourself going in the morning. But nowadays, they’re rare…