Did You Ask Your Doctor About This?

When you ask your doctor for “help in the bedroom,” you’re rolling the dice.
You might get help; you might not.
Let me be clear: When doctors offer a pill as a solution, they have the right idea. But they make a big mistake. A mistake that goes unnoticed by all of mainstream medicine. Even the “alternative” doctors aren’t aware of this…

Are You Going to Let Them Turn You into a 'Girly Man'?

You already know that industrial chemicals can be dangerous. But did you know that modern industry is putting hundreds of chemicals into your everyday environment that mimic the female hormone estrogen?
These estrogen look-alikes are waging war on your masculinity. This saps your strength, muscle, ambition, competitive spirit and sexual performance. As your estrogen rises and your testosterone drops, you can expect:

Jamaican Jungle Herbs

I just got back from my third trip to Jamaica this year, and I have some terrific news for you!
Back in March I told you about my first trip when I met Ivy Harris, a native Maroon healer. She introduced me to herbs that I had never heard of before: All Man’s Strength, Prone Bark, Black Wist, and Bachelor’s Buttons. The names describe what they do – give men potency and virility.

Can We Talk About Sex?

Remember being in high school and seeing that pretty girl… ANY pretty girl?
No matter how hard you tried to maintain control you’d “jump to attention” – often at the worst possible moment. Back then even brushing up against your desk could get it hard. And it happened almost immediately.

Million Dollar Bribe

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pay off as obvious as this one.
And I’ve been watching companies buy FDA approval for decades. In fact, a huge portion of the FDA’s budget comes directly from Big Pharma and other industries in the form of “user fees.”…

Men: How Potent Are You, Really?

You may not be as virile as you think…
There may still be something that you aren’t even aware of wrong with your reproductive system. A recent study revealed that if you don’t get enough of a certain nutrient, you risk sterility—or worse.
Truth is, if you’re like most men, you’re probably not getting enough folate.
This is a member of the B complex of vitamins. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are especially rich in folate, along with dried beans, peas, and turnips. We’ve known for decades that it plays a critical role in female reproductive health, improving fertility and insuring the health of the developing fetus.
Turns out it’s just as important for male fertility.

Peeing Power from Pollen?

Dear Reader, This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but the same stuff bees gather to make honey – concentrated pollen extract – can make men …

Rev Up Your "Man Power"

Dear Subscriber: So many of the guys who walk through the doors of my clinic tell me things like: “Doctor Sears, I’m at the end of my rope. I’m tired, …