Build More "Bio-Power"

It’s the reason your brain cells think, your heart cells pump blood and your muscles cells generate speed, agility and strength.
I call it “bio-power.” It’s your cells’ ability to do what they’re supposed to do.
The problem is, as you age, your body doesn’t generate as much as it did when you were in your 20s. And unless you do something about it, we all gradually feel the loss of this critical energy.

A Shocking New Treatment

“Deep brain stimulation” is what they’re calling it.
It almost sounds soothing and nice.
Did you hear about this? Scientists use electrodes to “stimulate” the brains of depressed people.
The whole thing works through surgically implanted probes in your brain that are connected to an electrical device sewn into your chest.
They say it’s like a pacemaker for your brain.
I call it the new shock therapy.
People with Parkinson’s disease use similar things to improve their mobility. But when the devices are turned on, the patients can’t talk. The flow of electricity interrupts other brain functions.
I don’t believe anything that invasive can be good for you.

Put Your Brain Back On Top

When you’re young, your mind is sharp, you’re quick-thinking, you’ve got clarity and focus … you feel like you’re “on top” of every situation. When you get a little older, your mental functions decline … your thinking and reaction time slow. It’s probably natural. But is it unavoidable?
As it turns out, you don’t have to become one of those slow-lane drivers just because you’re “getting older.” In fact, despite what you may have heard, cognitive decline is not inevitable.

Better Than Coffee to Turbo-Charge Your Brain

While the food police may not approve of anything that contains caffeine, let’s face it – caffeine is a proven mental performance booster.
Anyone who drinks coffee in the morning knows how it can get rid of that brain fog you wake up with and help you get ready for the day.
I saw a study in Neurology that found drinking three cups of coffee a day reduces your risk of mental decline by more than 50 percent.1
But the problem with coffee drinking is that you just get a short burst of energy … and then you tend to crash. That’s because coffee causes a release of existing energy, rather than building new energy.

Human Horsepower

I’m sure you’ve seen the ads for those little energy shots you can get in all the drug stores and gas stations. They promise you that you won’t get that “afternoon feeling” and that you’ll get the energy of coffee without the crash …
…except it’s not true.
Those products stimulate you with synthetic caffeine. That makes them worse than, not better than coffee. You are going to get jitters and you’re going to hit rock bottom.
The reason that happens is that caffeine causes you to release an “energy transmitter” in your brain. The problem is that the caffeine causes depletion of this “energy transmitter.” Then, you feel worse than you did to start with.

The Cure For Christmas

It’s Christmas time again… are you having fun? There’s so much to do … some of my patients tell me they’ve just had it.
You may be feeling run down, too. It’s tough to find the energy to stay on top of everything.
But I have a solution for you that will give your brain more fuel and your heart more energy than you’ve ever had before.
You don’t have to drag yourself around the entire holiday season trying to keep up. This is energy you can feel… with no coffee crash and no getting burned out after sugar rushes from all those Christmas treats.
If you haven’t heard about this yet, keep reading…

Breathe a Sigh of Relief

Have you ever thought about how our terms to describe breathing are tied to life: respiration has the same root as spirit and inspire… inhale and exhale have the same root as hale, meaning exceptional health and vigor.
There are plenty of examples in our language of words related to breath that mean life …
But in the modern world, we’re so distracted, we sometimes take our breath for granted.

Why I Never Worry About Using My Cell Phone

I’ve been concerned about the effects of cell phones for a long time. That’s because your cell phone is constantly sending and receiving radio waves, which sit right next to microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves are just a bit higher frequency – shorter and faster.
And Austrian scientists found that those radio waves are probably not the best thing for you. They found that RF signals from mobile phones can lead to stress at a cellular level.

"Dr. Sears, Are You OK?"

When I realized my new sleep remedy worked so well, I got excited thinking about all of my patients who can finally sleep better. Patients like Al, a 59-year old executive who travels so much, his body’s confused from all of the time-zone changes.
Then there’s Pamela, a single mom and working woman. She’s so stressed about paying the bills and having enough time for her son, she often lies awake at night. As she puts it, “I can’t seem to shut off my brain!”
And Carol, a sweet woman in her early 70s who always comes to her appointments showing the latest pictures of her grandchildren. She seems relaxed and loves retired life, but she can’t sleep more than five hours a night.
Chances are you know what it’s like to wake up groggy in the morning, wishing you slept more. The simple truth is, missing a good night’s sleep is not good for your overall health and vitality.

Beat the Blues This Winter

Your body depends on getting enough sunlight every day to function properly. Nature designed you that way. Our ancestors lived outdoors every moment of their lives. They hunted meat, fish and fowl. They ate, worked, gathered, celebrated, worshipped and mourned under the sun. So your cells, organs, bones and tissues evolved to rely on sunlight.
But just before the turn of the 20th century, our living conditions changed. It started with the invention of the light bulb, which gave us an artificial way to generate light. The industrial revolution soon followed, and people started migrating to the cities and working indoors.

Don't Let Grandma Take This…

There’s a new king of the hill in the drug world. It’s no longer statins – the most popular category of drugs to lower cholesterol and the biggest money-making drug of the past decade. Now there’s a new giant dominating that huge industry. And guess what it is? Anti-psychotics, the drugs they use in mental hospitals, of all things.

This Helps Keep My Mind Clear All Day…

It’s a clean rush of energy without the crash. And there’s none of the jittery, nervous energy you get from coffee. What’s more, it does something no cup of coffee could ever do … it helps give you sparkling clarity of mind with an alertness that lets you think quickly. I’ll bet you’ll notice the lift right away. If you do crosswords, don’t be surprised if you finish them in a fraction of the time it used to take. Things like organization and recall just fall into place.

Can a Flower Make You Smarter?

Doctors in Europe know about its miraculous IQ-boosting power and recommend it to millions. Yet in the U.S. it remains nothing more than a garden flower.
Vinpocetine Flower I’m talking about the periwinkle – otherwise known as Vinca minor. It’s more than a source of beautiful blue in your garden – it’s the source of a miraculous brain-booster called vinpocetine…

Better Than Coffee

People love this stuff, so in case you missed this…
I have something that will electrify you… It’s even better than coffee.
When I was hiking through the Amazon Rain Forest last year, I had a first-hand experience with a remarkable healing herb.
This rain forest herb gives you lasting energy – without the crash.
Sacred to the nearby Guarani tribe, it was literally a gift the gods. According to tribal folklore, the Indians of the Amazon River Basin have been using it to prevent fatigue and increase physical endurance since before recorded history.

Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors

Did you know your cell phone emits electro-magnetic radiation?
What’s more, when you’re on your phone; these electro-magnetic waves penetrate into your head and brain. Even when you’re not using it, your cell phone sends electro-magnetic waves into your body.
This is something entirely new to the human race, and may be a threat to our health.
Here’s the problem: Your body has its own electro-magnetic field. And the waves from your phone interfere with this field.

Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave?

Your cell phone cooks your head in the same way your microwave heats up leftover meatloaf.
In fact, there’s new research that shows just how much your head is being cooked.
One study German researchers found:
Using your cell phone for just 4 minutes heats up the side of your head by as much as 7 degrees.1
If the numbers are right, it’s scary. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Many other doctors and researchers have concerns, too..