My Favorite Delicious Juice

“Let me look at some of these…” I reached out and put the soursop fruit right up to the lens of my video camera.
I said to my friend Westi, “I love soursop. I wish I could grow it in Florida. But the tree dies if the temperature gets below about 40 degrees.”
Westi and his wife Lelir were taking me on a tour of their garden deep in the mountains of Bali near the little town of Ubud.
I’ve written to you before about his endless turmeric plants and hundreds of aloe, basil, and other healing plants growing there.

The Mysterious Healing Fruit

They seem like the most normal fruit. You can get them year round, they’re cheap, and they’re always the same. So you buy a few, cut them up, sprinkle the juice on fish or use it in a salad dressing.
Lemons are no big deal, right?
Well, not so fast.
Turns out, lemons have a number of unique qualities that set them apart.
They are unusually charged with a purer concentration of negatively charged ions, or anions, than any other fruit. Some scientists think this might be why lemons are so good for your digestion. Lemons balance the other foods and help your body extract energy from them.

It is Not Vitamin A, It is Not Beta Carotene…

First, Elmer McCollum couldn’t get a job.
He had a doctorate from Yale, but couldn’t find work in his field. It was only after a long time searching all over the Midwest (he was from Kansas) that he even got hired.
The University of Wisconsin took him on as an instructor. But he had to switch his field of study because that was the only way he could get a position.
Then, the school wanted him to look at the diets of grain-fed cows to find out why they were dying or giving birth to malformed calves.
After all, grain contained everything that chemists, physiologists, and medical men considered essential… even thought it was obviously not enough to sustain the cattle’s lives.
But McCollum felt the cows weren’t getting enough nutrition from grain. He had to go against convention and the people who wouldn’t listen to him to find his answer. He stopped doing cattle research and set up his own lab to study nutrition in smaller animals.
It took him more than two years, but in 1913 he discovered what he called “fat-soluble A.” You and I call it vitamin A.
But that’s not the reason I’m telling you this story. The reason I want you to know about this is because this is still happening today.

Your Power To Defend Against Cancer

It’s one of the most overlooked nutrients in the entire world.
If you don’t have enough of it, you leave yourself open to muscle weakness, seizures, heart failure… and cancer.
In fact, it’s the primary source of energy for the immune cells that get suppressed by cancer.
And it might shock you to find out that government health advisors don’t even consider it “essential.”
I’m talking about CoQ10.
CoQ10 restores immune cells’ ability to fight back and attack cancer cells. In study after study, no matter what part of the immune system was tested, CoQ10 was found to be essential for the optimal function of your immune system.

Frankenstein Lurking in Your Pantry

The world’s biggest, most powerful agriculture companies are experimenting with your life. You never agreed to take part in it. But it’s triggering infertility, tumors, kidney and liver disease and more.
Big-Agra giants like Monsanto are helping to put untested mutations on your dinner table. These Franken-food experiments are better known as GMOs, or genetically modified organisms.
Big-Agra’s number one cash crop – soy – is creeping into thousands of products you eat every day, whether you know it or not. sixty to 70 percent of ALL processed foods contain some soy.
And, almost all soy crops are genetically modified. This “mutant soy” is clinically documented to cause depression, fatigue, infections, brain fog, nausea… even cancer.

The Original Cancer “Medicine”

Vitamin E is the Rodney Dangerfield of the vitamin world – it gets no respect.
You may have heard that vitamin E is not “safe.” Or not to take vitamin E because it might raise your risk of lung cancer, it thins your blood, or even increases your risk of death…
But studies show vitamin E protects you from at least 10 different kinds of cancer.
And we don’t need any new inventions or drugs to prevent cancer. All we have to do is recreate our native environment.
You see, cancer was almost unknown in the ancient world.

The Gorilla in the Room

Cancer. Just the word evokes fear.
The medical journals and newsletters I get are often filled with articles about cancer. It’s the 800-pound gorilla in the room. Once someone mentions it, it’s all you can think about.
And if you’re a regular reader, you probably won’t be surprised that most of the cancer-related articles in medical publications are only about drug treatments.
I’ve even read research on whether or not aspirin prevents cancer. I wonder who’s sponsoring those studies … Are they really trying to tell us that people are getting cancer because of a deficiency of aspirin?

The Biggest Epidemic We’ve Ever Known

In 1976, a doctor at a small research institute in Menlo Park, California, a tree-lined town outside of San Francisco, did something no one had ever done before.
He took 100 untreatable, terminally ill cancer patients… and he fed them.
He fed them 10 grams of a simple, plentiful nutrient each day.
And they lived.
Not for a few days. Not for a few months…
They averaged living on for nearly a year with no other treatment. Some were still alive almost four years after being diagnosed as terminal.
The doctor compared his 100 with 1,000 other terminally ill patients. They averaged living for only 38 days.

Cancer Alert for Travelers

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of speaking at the annual conference of the American College for Advancement of Medicine. They’d heard about my PACE program and invited me to speak. I have to admit, it was great to see so many forward-thinking physicians embracing the PACE concept.
The conference was held out in Las Vegas, which for me meant a direct flight from Miami. But when I hit Miami International Airport, I was in for a nasty surprise – body scanners.

The Most Effective Non-Drug You Can Find

Is the Institute of Medicine (IOM), which bills itself as the “advisor to the nation on health,” trying to make you sick?
I wouldn’t blame you if you thought so… The U.S. and Canadian governments asked the IOM to look at its inadequate recommendation for vitamin D at 400 IU per day. So the IOM has just come out with its new recommendations. It says that “all North Americans are receiving enough vitamin D” from their diets and exposure to the sun. It also says there is “inconsistent and conflicting results” on whether or not vitamin D protects you from cancer and other diseases.