I travel all over the world looking for anti-aging nutrients the mainstream medical establishment has overlooked.
But every now and then I get an unexpected surprise … like sitting at my desk, opening a journal, and discovering a groundbreaking study on one of my favorite nutrients.
The latest eye-opening report is on l-carnitine…
Look What's Brewing in Your DNA
By lengthening your telomeres, you can extend your life. And that means for the first time, you can actually stop – even reverse – the aging process in your body.
Here’s the thing: Your telomeres are extremely vulnerable to oxidative stress…and that’s exactly what antioxidants protect you against. This helps keep your telomeres long. And that, in turn, will help you live a longer and healthier life.
'My What’s Shrinking?!'
“Your lungs… I said your lungs are shrinking.” I’ve actually said this more than a couple of times to my patients. You see, I mean the size of my patients’ lungs. Why? Because they shrink with age. And that’s not good.
Cure a Killer Migraine with a Dishtowel?
Can you imagine curing a 2-day migraine with lemon rind and a dishtowel?
How about wiping out arthritis pain by eating gin-soaked raisins?
These “food cures” not only work, they’ve been demonstrated on national television. The health researchers behind these remarkable remedies are Joan and Lydia Wilen…
Space-Age Discovery Adds 10 Years to Your Life
You know stress hurts. You worry, you feel anxious… you lose sleep. That’s old news. But now, through the discovery of telomeres, we can actually measure the effects of stress. And the wear and tear is more distressing than we even imagined.
Researchers at the University of California discovered that stress speeds up aging.1 This makes your cells die before their time – and produces all the terrible effects we think of as aging.
Show a Younger Face to the World
On Oct. 26, people from all over the country flew into West Palm Beach to attend my first ever conference on telomere biology and TA-65.
Surrounded by some of the world’s most recognized, cutting-edge researchers in the field, we shared how telomeres are the key to aging.
Can Coffee Combat Alzheimer's?
Your morning cup o’ joe may protect you from one of the most dreaded diseases of our time.
A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease says that drinking five medium-sized cups of coffee a day could lower your chances of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.1
Nominate Your Doctor
I search for new ways to help you all the time. Whether it’s traveling to the Amazon, reading the latest medical journals, or conducting our own research trials, I strive to bring you breakthroughs in health.
Want to Add Years to Your Life?
Have you seen RealAge, the online health quiz sensation? You may have heard about it from Dr. Oz on Oprah.
Here’s how it works…
You answer 150 questions about your personal life. Everything from health problems and medications to personal beliefs and sexual details. It gives you an idea of what you need to do to stay young, but his survey is flawed and it can take hours.
Wrong Resveratrol?
Resveratrol has age-defying power.1 It switches on the genes your body naturally uses to extend life under conditions of stress (like starvation). They’re called “sirtuins.” They slow the death timer that’s ticking in every cell in your body…
'Beef Up' Your Body with This Potent Nutrient
Almost everyone in my nutrition class thinks that red meat is bad for you – not too surprising since the FDA, USDA, AMA, and just about everyone else has been telling you this for decades. This is very bad advice…
Is Your Memory Failing?
They say forgetfulness is a sign of old age. But when “old age” starts may be earlier than you ever thought.
In fact, I just saw a study the other day that said, as a normal part of aging, memory starts to decline at 37 on average, and things like reasoning, speed of thought, and spatial visualization start to go even earlier – at age 27.
Can't Get a Good Night's Rest? Try This…
The secret to getting a good night’s rest is having the right amount of this hormone in your bloodstream. But as you get older, this natural hormone disappears.
Did You See this on 60 Minutes Last Night?
Dear Health Conscious Reader, Did you happen to catch CBS’s 60 Minutes last night? There was an anti-aging story that caught my attention. Morley Safer spoke to Dr. Christoph Westphal …
What's the Problem with Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Dear Member, Have you heard of HRT? Known as “hormone replacement therapy,” it’s one of the things they’re calling “drugs for elders” these days. The problem with HRT is that …
How Bad Science Can Make You Sick…
Dear Member, Have you heard all the talk about selenium? The newspapers are saying it won’t prevent prostate cancer. But those reports are misleading. Today I’ll give you the real …
Beat Drug Companies at Their Own Game
Dear Reader, They’re at it again. Resveratrol in red wine, in addition to acting as a powerful antioxidant, has now been shown to affect genetic aging. Big Pharma’s solution? Make …
The Best Cure for Pain…
Dear Reader, If you have chronic pain you know you can live without it. Well you don’t need drugs to do it. You know that drugs can only treat symptoms …