We all know sunshine is the cure if you don’t get enough vitamin D in your diet, right? Well, not so fast … sunshine isn’t always enough.
The problem is that even when it’s sunny you might not get enough vitamin D. In a study from the city of Calgary – one of the sunniest places in Canada – almost every person measured had a vitamin D deficiency … 97 percent of them!1
And in Australia, one of the sunniest places on earth, an osteoporosis study found over 43 percent of people had low vitamin D levels during the winter.2
The Biggest Epidemic We’ve Ever Known
In 1976, a doctor at a small research institute in Menlo Park, California, a tree-lined town outside of San Francisco, did something no one had ever done before.
He took 100 untreatable, terminally ill cancer patients… and he fed them.
He fed them 10 grams of a simple, plentiful nutrient each day.
And they lived.
Not for a few days. Not for a few months…
They averaged living on for nearly a year with no other treatment. Some were still alive almost four years after being diagnosed as terminal.
The doctor compared his 100 with 1,000 other terminally ill patients. They averaged living for only 38 days.
These Drugs Poison Your Bones
Would you use a drug that gives you the problem it’s supposed to prevent?
Well, that’s exactly what’s going on with the new osteoporosis drugs.
Fosomax, Boniva, Reclast, Actonel … these medications are supposed to help stop you from getting bone fractures as you get older. But we now have evidence that they cause bone breaks.
Researchers studied women taking these medications – called bisphosphonates – who experienced some sort of fracture. Over 65 percent had the same rare fracture in the same area of their thigh bones. And these were the women who had been on the drugs for the longest periods.1
Piercing a 500-Year Veil
I steered my little Nissan rental car higher… deeper into Jamaica’s John Crow Mountains. S-curves and switchbacks emerged suddenly out of the sheets of blinding rain.
As the storm finally began to clear, I spotted a cluster of tin-roofed houses and tiny shops. I had reached my destination: the home of Jamaica’s last living Maroon healer, Ivelyn Harris.
For centuries, the Maroons have been among the world’s most skilled herbalists. With just the plants growing in their mountain home, their healers may have already conquered problems that still challenge modern medicine. For example, I’d heard stories that…
Surprising Secret for Stronger Joints
I’m sure you know vitamin C is good for you. That it can help clear out your arteries, fight inflammation, help fight sicknesses like the cold, and that it’s even good for your skin.
But what you might not know is that right now, your body is working as fast as it can to destroy almost every bit of it.
That’s because your body doesn’t just use it … it uses up vitamin C to make collagen, the most abundant protein in your body. Collagen is the basis for your skin, bones, teeth, blood vessels, eyes, heart … essentially all parts of your body.
Collagen is stronger than steel wire, and as part of a network of an elastic-like substance called elastin, it makes up the connective tissue that holds you together.
That means that without vitamin C to make collagen, you would literally fall apart.
Pigs Don't Lie
If you want to fight fat and keep a lean, muscular body, you can try going to the gym and spending hours and hours lifting, running, spinning…
…or you can use chromium.
Did you know that one study took commercial pigs and fed them chromium, and measured significant fat reduction? They changed nothing else about the pigs … all they did was give them chromium and they got lean.1 Not only that, but they had an increase in muscle, as well.
Six Steps to a Pure and Clean Body
We’ve had millions of years of pure, clean food and water. Changes were made in the last 100 years that are threatening to take that from us. We don’t evolve fast enough for how much our environment is changing. We weren’t designed to live in our current world of man-made chemicals, toxins and pollutants.
For instance, there was a study done that looked at the blood of babies born in American hospitals. They looked for 415 chemicals and found traces of 287 of them in the babies’ blood.1
Rare Super Food of the Ancient Incas
Working my way through the thick jungle, I trekked through the highlands of Peru down into the heart of the Amazon. Along the way, I stopped to celebrate ancient rituals with local Indians. And dodged some mean, golf-ball-sized mosquitoes.
Suddenly my companion, Dr. Octavio Zolezzi from Lima University, shouted, “Here it is.”
Be Careful with Those Christmas Receipts
Hope you got all your Christmas shopping done. The stores are still open if you need to make any last-minute purchases. I’ll probably head out later to pick up a few more items myself.
But there’s something serious I want to talk to you about today. It’s more important than ever because of all the receipts you’re probably collecting this time of year.
Every receipt you get could be toxic. And the toxins on your receipts could be rubbing off onto the bills in your wallet. I’m talking about the chemical bisphenol A (BPA).
The Most Effective Non-Drug You Can Find
Is the Institute of Medicine (IOM), which bills itself as the “advisor to the nation on health,” trying to make you sick?
I wouldn’t blame you if you thought so… The U.S. and Canadian governments asked the IOM to look at its inadequate recommendation for vitamin D at 400 IU per day. So the IOM has just come out with its new recommendations. It says that “all North Americans are receiving enough vitamin D” from their diets and exposure to the sun. It also says there is “inconsistent and conflicting results” on whether or not vitamin D protects you from cancer and other diseases.
Use Marine Plants and Be Among the Longest-Lived People on Earth
We Americans are doing better than you might think on aging. Contrary to how bad things sound on the news, the truth is, we have more centenarians than any other country in the world. But if you look at average life spans, it’s Okinawans who live longer than any other people on Earth.
And elderly Okinawans rarely die from diseases like heart disease and cancer and are known for aging slowly. The Okinawa Centenarian Study examined why this Japanese island’s elderly are the longest-lived people on the planet. And the study revealed an interesting staple of their daily diet:
Edible plants from the sea.1
The Best Herb to Boost Your Immunity
Astragalus is a unique herb I’ve been fascinated with for the last 15 years. I used to keep jars of it on the shelves in my office to examine while I studied its history. Astragalus smells earthy, almost like fresh-cut grass when it’s dried. And I would open the jars and let it give me a sense of calm and relaxation.
I’ve used it in my practice to help people lower their blood pressure and boost their immune systems. And traditional Chinese medicine prescribes astragalus as a detoxifier, a cancer-fighter, and includes it in many healing formulas called tonics.
Don't Be a Chicken – Eat Some Turkey
Thanksgiving is here, so let’s set the record straight: Eating a few extra helpings of turkey will not make you fat.
It’s the stuffing and the potatoes that pack on the holiday pounds. The bottom line is insulin and how much your body makes. Starchy foods like bread and potatoes send your blood sugar through the roof, triggering waves of fat-producing insulin.
So how can you tell the difference between foods that spike insulin and those that are less harmful?
Beat the Blues This Winter
Your body depends on getting enough sunlight every day to function properly. Nature designed you that way. Our ancestors lived outdoors every moment of their lives. They hunted meat, fish and fowl. They ate, worked, gathered, celebrated, worshipped and mourned under the sun. So your cells, organs, bones and tissues evolved to rely on sunlight.
But just before the turn of the 20th century, our living conditions changed. It started with the invention of the light bulb, which gave us an artificial way to generate light. The industrial revolution soon followed, and people started migrating to the cities and working indoors.
A Better Way To Go Green…
There’s an innocent little herb you see all the time, but probably never think about. When you go to a restaurant, it’s often right there on top of your salmon or steak. It’s also sprinkled on hundreds of side dishes…
You almost never notice it because it gets chopped up to make salad dressing, soup stock and rice dishes. Or it gets mixed in and added to meatballs, stuffing or even dry rubs for barbeque.
Suffering Succotash
I like the word “succotash.” Not because I like to eat it, or even because the cartoon cat Sylvester still cracks me up every time he lisps, “Thufferin’ thuccotash!”
I like it because not only is it a great-sounding word, it’s also a great example of how so-called “nutritionists” have rewritten history. And how backward modern “diet” advice is.
Natural's Dirty Little Secrets
“Natural flavors” can perversely “mean” any chemical approved for use in food.
The FDA makes manufacturers declare if a flavoring has any of the eight major food allergens – milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts and soybeans.
But companies don’t have to tell you the sources of any other chemicals used for flavoring.
Famous Doctors Agree…
Today, thanks to pioneers like Dr. Kaufman, you know to get enough nutrients like the B vitamins, and others like vitamins A, C and D. But many people are still suffering from the lack of one single nutrient: Coenzyme Q10.
It’s impossible to live without CoQ10. It’s called ubiquinone because it’s ubiquitous – it powers every single cell in your body. In fact, it’s so important that revealing how CoQ10 works won Peter Mitchell the Nobel Prize in 1978.