Why I 'Prescribe' Meat to My Patients

Have you see any of these headlines?
* “Too much red meat will kill you” (The National Business Review)
* “Want to live longer? Cut back on red meat” (CNN)
* “Meat-heavy diet linked to early death” (USA Today)
So why in the world would I “prescribe” eating red meat to my patients… when the mainstream media is screaming to the masses that it will kill you?

When is Acid a Good Thing?

I’ve seen patients who eat Tums like candy. They claim relief from heartburn. Plus, they think the calcium in Tums would help keep their bones strong.
Unfortunately Tums are not a good source of calcium… and they’re not a good solution for chronic heartburn either. In fact, taking over-the-counter antacids does you more harm than good.

If You're Eating this Fish You May as Well Eat a Doughnut

Last weekend, my sister came into town out of the blue, and we went out to dinner to celebrate. She glanced at the menu and then put it down, saying, “I gotta eat healthy when I’m with you. I’ll have the tilapia.”
Most people are shocked when they hear the truth about tilapia. After all, it’s fish. It’s supposed to be good for you. The power of the omega-3s in fish is all over the news. Salmon is still the most popular, but tilapia is gaining on it because it has a mild taste and it’s inexpensive.

The World's Tastiest (And Healthiest) Edible Oil!

Most of today’s food sources have lower omega-3 levels than at any time in history. Why should you care?
Because omega-3s are one of the most critical nutrients for your body. They contribute to better vision, improved mood, a more robust heart and brain, and more…