The Calorie Burn Myth

One of the worst myths I hear is that if you want to drop weight, you have to first cut calories. If the first thing you do is restrict calories, your body will fight you every step of the way, and you’ll never see results.
Your body is an intelligent system. I think of changing my body as a coaching job. I don’t try to force it. I try to get it to cooperate.
This means that instead of depriving yourself, the first thing is your body needs to be in a safe and plentiful environment. Then, the natural metabolism we evolved with for thousands of years will begin rebuilding the naturally lean body you were designed to enjoy.
I’ve spent over 25 years researching this topic, studying the science and history behind metabolism and weight gain. I’ve been able to apply what I’ve learned at my clinic on both myself and thousands of my patients.
I feel fortunate that my books and videos have helped thousands of people in the real world. Yet I’ve been able to have a kind of success working individually with clients that I haven’t always been able to get through books and DVDs.

How To Build Strong Bones That Last a Lifetime

I have some news for you that goes against almost everything you hear on CBS News, or read on WebMD… osteoporosis isn’t caused by a lack of calcium.
Mainstream medicine still has its head in the sand on this. I just read a new study from the Journal of the American Dietetic Association claiming – again – that you aren’t getting enough calcium, and that calcium is what prevents osteoporosis.
Don’t get me wrong, calcium is critical for making bone. But you’re getting enough calcium. It’s in almost everything you can think of – like bread, milk, orange juice, pasta, yogurt, toothpaste, chewing gum, snack crackers and granola bars… it’s even in your water, depending on where you live. That’s a lot of calcium.
In fact, two studies back up what I’ve known for years. Higher calcium intake doesn’t prevent fractures due to bone loss,1 and can damage your heart.

How Young Are Your Muscles?

How would you feel if three pounds of your muscle disappeared every decade?
Yet, if you’re not getting enough of the right type of exercise, your muscles shrink as you age.
If this happens long enough, you wind up with a medical condition called sarcopenia. Sarcopenia simply means a deficiency of muscle. This occurs gradually. In fact, you may not even notice it, because your weight may not change as fat is replacing your muscle.
However, by the time you reach your 40s or 50s, it starts catching up with you. You may notice some excess belly fat. Perhaps your thighs or rear end seem to start growing larger. And somewhere along the way, you might realize it’s not so easy to heft those heavy objects any more.

Can You Answer "Yes" to This Question?

Congratulations on being a part of the PACE revolution.
If you’ve been using PACE properly, you know that the key to achieving your goals is to reach the supra-aerobic zone.
But many of my patients tell me they’re not sure how to tell if they’ve reached their supra-aerobic zone or whether they’re doing their exertion and recovery periods properly. On top of that, some of them have had a hard time tracking their progress.
Here’s what I ask them: Are you measuring your heart rate?

76 Pounds and Counting…

When Terri comes into my office, she lights up the room.
It’s hard to miss. Her smile radiates hope, victory, and real happiness.
If you’re not familiar with her story, Terri started PACE last year and lost 45 pounds in just four months. And it all started from walking for 45 seconds, then resting. At the time, that’s all she could do.
By December, she had dropped a total of 66 pounds…

I Have Some Exciting News…

In November I’ll be lecturing at a conference given by the leading association for alternative and integrative medicine.
The American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) has invited me to present PACE.
This is a big honor. And I’m excited about this opportunity to get the word out to thousands of doctors from over 30 countries who will be there…

The Fat You Can't Pinch

There is a kind of fat that you don’t see. It’s toxic and it’s deadly.
Visceral fat is internal fat. It wraps around organs like your heart, liver, and kidneys. It fills up all the space in your abdominal cavity, so there’s no room left for your organs, nerves, and vessels to function properly.
It’s far more dangerous to your health than subcutaneous fat, which lies right beneath your skin. Subcutaneous fat is what you poke at and pinch. Like the “spare tire” you get around your middle…

What You Need First After Exercising

Do you dread those everyday aches and pains so much that it keeps you from exercising in the first place?
You don’t have to let those aches and pains stop you anymore.
It’s possible to eliminate muscle aches and stiffness immediately after working out. And you can help rebuild your muscles at the same time.
What you have to do is immediately put back things you use up during exercise. This means carbohydrates and proteins…

Lower This Inflammation Marker

An FDA advisory panel wants to get healthy people hooked on statin (cholesterol-lowering) drugs – with all their ugly side effects.
Yes, the FDA has reacted to a drug company-sponsored study showing that people with high C-reactive protein (CRP) levels had fewer heart attacks and strokes when taking statins.
But they brushed aside the 13 deaths and 18 “confused states” among the participants. And they ignored the increase in adult-onset diabetes as well.

Get Physical and Grow Younger

In just minutes a day, you can program your genes to stay younger longer.
There’s new evidence that PACE-style movement slows down your aging clock, lengthening your life and making you more resistant to disease.
The professor that led the study said, “The act of exercising may actually protect the body against the aging process… and people may actually look and feel younger.”1
Research now shows that exercise has the power to turn back time. Exercise affects your telomeres, making them longer and stronger. The telomere is your biological clock. It determines how long you live. And how well you live…

Thank you, thank you, my friend…

So where does this “thank you” come from? It’s from a letter I received from Grant S., who got results right off the bat using my PACE fitness program.
My new fitness book, PACE: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution, has just been published. And it picks up right where my first book, Rediscover Your Native Fitness, left off.
The new guidelines and streamlined style will accelerate your progress and get you there in half the time.
And the approach to getting started could not be easier…

The Day is Finally Here…

You are one of the first to see this.
For the first time you have access to my new PACE program.
For two years I’ve been re-working PACE to make it simpler and easier to follow, especially if you feel out-of-shape or too busy to get started.
I first published PACE back in November of 2006. It’s the first complete program that protects your heart, pumps up your lung volume, and burns fat in just 12 minutes a day.
Today, thousands of people from a dozen countries around the world are practicing my PACE program. And hundreds have sent me letters and emails, including my own patients here in South Florida…

German Secret That Won Olympic Gold

Eighty years ago, two Germans figured out a brilliant way to burn fat fast.
Back in the 1930s, a German doctor and a track coach got together and invented this brilliant training technique.
The athletes sprinted 200 meters and rested for a short time.
Then they did again. A 200-meter sprint followed by a short period of rest. And again.
It worked. Their students broke world record after world record. Roger Banister, the first man to run the mile in under 4 minutes, used this workout.

Exercising But Not Losing Weight?

A cover story in TIME magazine tells you exercise won’t help you lose weight.
In the article, a professor from Louisiana State University says, “… for weight loss, exercise is pretty useless.”1
If you’re a regular reader you may already recognize the ignorance of this professor’s statement.
What is he missing?

Getting Lean is as Easy as Pushing Play

I’m stunned. I just went online and discovered other companies using my PACE articles – even excerpts from my book – to sell their own exercise programs. There are at least a dozen Google ads and YouTube videos on PACE, all of which have nothing to do with me or the real PACE program.