On a trip to the Peruvian Amazon, I “accidentally” discovered a natural skin beautifier that’s unknown to the outside world.
You won’t find it in any department store or hear about it on any daytime talk show.
The story of how I found it would make a good adventure novel… but the results I’ve seen with my patients are remarkable.
I have good reason to believe this could be the best skin beautifier and anti-aging tonic in the world.
Why I Love My Honey
Honey reminds me of romance. I call my dearest friends honey when I want to remind them how sweet they are to me.
But I also use honey for healing.
Ayurvedic practitioners in India have used honey for nearly 5,000 years.
Ayurveda is a holistic health system that evolved in ancient India. The term combines two Sanskrit words to mean “knowledge of life.” It’s the oldest system of medicine in the world. And it is still practiced widely in India, where the government recognizes it.
When I Lived with the Natives…
I drank beer made out of yucca root that native women spit into the ground and let ferment. I ate worms and grubs raw.
I was living with the Guarani tribe in Peru and I wanted to find out their secrets for healing herbs.
But what I found turned out to be even more valuable.
Jolt of Strength From Jamaica
I just got back from spending more time with my good friend and colleague, Ivey Harris, at her home in Cornwall Barracks, high up in the John Crow Mountains of Jamaica. I’ve written about Ivey before… she’s the last of the traditional herbal healers in Jamaica’s Maroon culture.
Dr. Sears and Ivey Harris in Jamaica
In fact, Ivey is the seventh generation of her family to practice this nearly lost art. She’s a direct descendant of Princess Nanny, the first leader of the Windward Maroons. Princess Nanny was a renowned herbal healer, and is Jamaica’s only national heroine.
At just five feet tall, Ivey’s a tiny bundle of pure energy. She’s vivacious but has this calm way about her. And she always welcomes me with open arms every time I make the trek up the treacherous mountain roads leading to her remote home.
Careful: Fake Protein Can Make You Weak
Protein powders you find in your local health-food stores lack critical nutrients that give protein its real power.
These overly-processed and misleading products give you cheap, weakened forms of protein that come from sick, diseased animals. And some protein powders even have dangerous levels of lead, cadmium and other heavy metals.
Not only are they a waste of money, but if you eat them, they will only make you weaker and more vulnerable to disease.
To stay slim, strong and potent, you need a reliable source of protein that hasn’t been processed, contaminated or altered.
Today, I’ll show you the 7 factors you need in your protein powder to unlock its natural power.
One-Two Power Punch
I want to show you a remarkable compound that nature, in its wisdom, has provided a dual role for.
1) It’s what you use to tell your muscles to move.
When you have the thought that you would like to hit that golf ball, it starts as an electrical impulse. Then it’s translated into the muscle, and there’s a chemical messenger that makes that happen.
2) It’s also responsible for your alertness and memory.
So we find that when people have more of it, they’re smarter, more alert, and have better recall… but they also perform better.
Athletes who have more of it are faster, stronger and more competitive.
Japan vs. Three Mile Island
Does it occur to you that they’re doing the same thing in Tokyo that they did in Three Mile aIsland?
Back in 1979 – exactly 32 years ago yesterday – they were telling everybody for the first couple of weeks not to worry. Then they told everyone to stay inside. Then they evacuated. And then they finally told everyone the truth – that it was a dangerous radiation leak.
And radiation is the biggest fear people in America have from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant was damaged, and the situation keeps getting worse.
They’ve told the people around the plant to stay indoors or leave, but I don’t know how those poor people could leave. It seems like the roads are all blocked or damaged. Most of them are stuck there, being exposed to radiation day after day.
Secret Power Source of the Ancient Incas
The oil I discovered in the dense jungles of the Amazon has reached American shores. And it boasts one of the highest concentrations of heart-healthy omega-3s in the world…
For centuries, it nourished the ancient Incas of Peru – turning them into one of the most powerful civilizations on earth. Packing more than 84 percent essential fatty acids (the “good” fats) – its unique proteins, amino acids and nutrients powered up their legendary warriors, keeping their minds sharp and bodies healthy.*
Now, you have exclusive access to the oil that fueled an empire.
Stay Satisfied
Do you remember how a burger used to taste when you were a kid?
My mouth is watering just thinking about it…
The meat was dense and juicy. Every bite was full of flavor. You could actually chew on it. And back then, you didn’t need to eat more than one burger to be full and satisfied.
Today, the beef you get from the grocery store is light and puffy. It’s not dense and flavorful at all. And it’s got almost no nutrients, which makes you hungry again in no time.
People Love This Stuff!
When I was exploring the Amazon Rainforest, I stumbled upon something electrifying.
I found it among the native Guarani tribe. They told me it is a gift from the gods. They use it to make themselves more alert, run faster and give them more energy and endurance.
I tried it. It works better than any energy booster I’ve ever seen.
They Ate Up All My Blueberries!
Blueberries have lots of fiber which helps prevent heart disease, and they’re low on the glycemic index (40), so they don’t spike your blood sugar. And eating them can help your memory and other mental abilities.
But the newest research on blueberries has found two exciting things. They can help fight hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and protect your liver.
In one study, researchers from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture looked at animals with atherosclerosis. They gave a formula with only 1 percent freeze-dried whole blueberries to one of two groups. The other group’s formula did not contain the berry powder. After 20 weeks, the blueberry formula group had as much as 58 percent less artery hardening than the non-blueberry group
The Sun IS Your Sunscreen
Corporations would have you believe the sun is a cancer-causing ball of radiation threatening our planet.
But the fact is, the sun protects you from cancer. It enhances your health and is vital to your well-being.
One of the most important ways the sun protects you is through your skin, which makes vitamin D from its ultraviolet type B rays. And it’s vitamin D that keeps you from getting not just skin cancer, but more than a dozen others.
Here’s the proof in black and white:
You're Getting Enough
Calcium is everywhere these days. It’s hard to get away from it even if you try. They put it in bread, milk, orange juice, pasta, yogurt, toothpaste, chewing gum, snack crackers and granola bars… it’s even in your water, depending on where you live.
That’s a lot of calcium.
But supplementing with even more calcium is not a good idea.
A review done by the British Medical Journal carefully analyzed 11 different calcium supplementation studies. The BMJ found that taking more than 500 mg a day increased heart attacks by 31 percent.1
How Many Apples a Day Keeps The Doctor Away?
You’ve heard the saying about “an apple a day,” right?
My granddad told me that when I was a kid. He lived into his 90s and was as strong as an ox up until the day he died. Back then, the saying meant something.
But today, the produce you get from your grocery store doesn’t have the same level of vitamins, minerals or fiber it did years ago. In fact, you would have to eat 26 of today’s apples to equal just one apple from 1914.1
Why should you care about that?
The Whole-Grain Hoax
“Whole grains are your best bet,” declares the Harvard School of Public Health website. Don’t be afraid of carbs from whole grains. They’re good for you, the site says.
The modern health industry and big business do a lot of advertising, advising and talking about how good for you whole grains are. And now everyone seems to have fallen for the whole-grain lie. Even the smart people at Harvard.
What they should be warning you about are the whole grains.
The whole idea behind eating a grain “whole” is this: Your body breaks down dietary starch – carbohydrates – into glucose, spiking your blood sugar. If a grain is left whole, you won’t break it down as fast, and it won’t raise your blood sugar.
It sounds like a nice theory, but it doesn’t work in the real world.
Let me show you what I mean.
Nature Wants To Protect You
I love peppers. Especially bell peppers. They’re so crunchy and sweet. I like to get mine at my local farmer’s market.
One of my favorite ways to eat them is roasted. I like to put a big red pepper in the oven and turn it every now and then until it’s soft. They’re delicious that way. Plus, you get to eat the skin where a lot of the nutrients are.
Which gets me thinking… do you know why brightly colored fruit and vegetables are so delicious? It’s because you’re supposed to eat them. Nature wants you to. It’s one of the ways we get our nutrients. Like vitamin A, for example.
Vitamin A is an “essential” vitamin because you can’t make it in your body. The only sources are animal products like meat, eggs and fish.
Can Pigs Lie?
You should see the e-mails I’m getting about “Pigs Don’t Lie.” I never knew pigs were so popular…
Have you heard about this? Researchers took a group of pigs, fed them one simple nutrient, and the pigs dropped their fat and got lean from that one change only.
It’s a nutrient you probably don’t get enough of, but everyone needs. In fact, your body uses it to:
How I Know My Vitamins Are Natural
Did you know that every vitamin you take can be measured in your blood?
This led to a surprise for me early on in my career. When I started testing vitamin levels in the bloodstream of my most health-conscious patients, even the ones who swore they took a multivitamin every day, they were malnourished!
I had to do some researching to understand why.
Here’s what I learned: