Secret Power Source of the Ancient Incas

The oil I discovered in the dense jungles of the Amazon has reached American shores. And it boasts one of the highest concentrations of heart-healthy omega-3s in the world…
For centuries, it nourished the ancient Incas of Peru – turning them into one of the most powerful civilizations on earth. Packing more than 84 percent essential fatty acids (the “good” fats) – its unique proteins, amino acids and nutrients powered up their legendary warriors, keeping their minds sharp and bodies healthy.*
Now, you have exclusive access to the oil that fueled an empire.

Keep Doing What You Love

Did you know that people who look younger than their actual ages also live a longer and healthier life than those who look older than their years?
In a long-term study involving 913 pairs of twins, Danish researchers discovered that the twins who looked younger than their true age had better health and longer survival rates than their older-looking siblings. And the larger the difference in perceived age, the more likely it was that the older-looking twin died first.
What did the researchers find was the reason for this difference?
The people who looked younger had longer telomeres.1

Rare Super Food of the Ancient Incas

Working my way through the thick jungle, I trekked through the highlands of Peru down into the heart of the Amazon. Along the way, I stopped to celebrate ancient rituals with local Indians. And dodged some mean, golf-ball-sized mosquitoes.
Suddenly my companion, Dr. Octavio Zolezzi from Lima University, shouted, “Here it is.”

More Fake Food – Don’t Fall for the Flaxseed Lie

You’ve probably heard of flaxseed as a “superfood” … a cure-all for everything from cancer to high cholesterol. Flaxseeds are put in everything from cereal and margarine to egg-replacement products today.
Yet flaxseed is not a time-tested food product. It’s not something we evolved with, so there’s no way of telling how eating it will affect humans in the long run.

The Health Secret That Fueled an Empire

Not long ago, I trekked through the Amazon jungles of Peru in search of healing herbs. Instead, I found something far more valuable: Sacha Inchi – the “super food” of the ancient Incas.
This oil – which comes from nuts, not fish – is so effective and nutrient dense, it’s the first real health breakthrough I’ve seen in the last decade.
Dr. Sears at the Amazon base camp near Satipo.
My trip turned out to be a real adventure…

Miracle Fatty Acid Adds Years to Your Life

Omega-3s may determine how long you’ll live – and it’s not just because they’re good for your heart.
Omega-3s may now have a profound effect on anti-aging by slowing down the shortening of telomeres.
What are telomeres? They’re protective tips that cap the ends of your DNA. Each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. When your telomeres run down, cell division stops, and your life ends.
While this may sound like a clip from a science fiction movie, it’s real. And it’s about to change the world of medicine. Everything you’ve been told about aging is about to be transformed by this new science.
You may not have heard about this new breakthrough yet. That doesn’t surprise me.

Astonishing Study Puts You in Control of Your Genes

We used to believe that there was nothing you could do about your genes. You were stuck with what you were born with. In fact, you can turn your genes on and off or not use them at all.
A new study proves you can alter your genes with what you eat. It showed that more than 1,000 genes were changed in just six months simply by getting more of a key nutrient…

If You're Eating this Fish You May as Well Eat a Doughnut

Last weekend, my sister came into town out of the blue, and we went out to dinner to celebrate. She glanced at the menu and then put it down, saying, “I gotta eat healthy when I’m with you. I’ll have the tilapia.”
Most people are shocked when they hear the truth about tilapia. After all, it’s fish. It’s supposed to be good for you. The power of the omega-3s in fish is all over the news. Salmon is still the most popular, but tilapia is gaining on it because it has a mild taste and it’s inexpensive.

The World's Tastiest (And Healthiest) Edible Oil!

Most of today’s food sources have lower omega-3 levels than at any time in history. Why should you care?
Because omega-3s are one of the most critical nutrients for your body. They contribute to better vision, improved mood, a more robust heart and brain, and more…