Conventional medical doctors do not recognize the value of herbs in general. I strongly believe there is enough research to support their use. With or without their doctors, people all …
Aromatic Herb from Africa's Heart
There I was…watching the African savanna change into jungle before my eyes. I stood on the northern side of Lake Victoria and started the day looking at a straw-colored landscape. …
The Supreme Court Decides
The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law that many of you know as “Obamacare” yesterday. I wrote to you about this issue last month. Many accused me of inappropriately becoming …
Is Exercise Bad for You?
There they go again. “Is Exercise Bad for You?” “Should You Stop Exercising?” The news stories were reacting to a study published in the journal PLOSone, and reported on by …
The Purest Place on Earth?
I always thought of the North Pole as the most pristine place on Earth. But not anymore. It’s totally uninhabited by humans. Yet researchers are now finding toxins from the …
Giving VIP Service
Every time I turn the key in the lock and open the door of my new building, it feels like a dream come true. It’s exactly the sort of place …
Food of the Vine
You’ve probably heard that a glass of red wine has many health benefits. But red wine isn’t the only way grapes can supercharge your health. The seeds of grapes are …
I Was In for a Surprise In Malaysia
Before I was asked to speak in Kuala Lumpur, I was kind of cloudy about Indonesia versus Malaysia, and how those regions are divided into countries and islands… Malaysia has …
Spirits of Memorial Day
You’ve probably heard that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol has many health benefits. Most research I’ve seen has focused on wine. It’s now well accepted that red wine can help …
Cholesterol Is Good For You
You could see the response in the room as I said it. “Cholesterol is good for you.” You could tell they had never looked at it quite that way. People …
Just Like Sugar…Not
Since I’ve been writing to you about the dangers of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and how unnatural it is for you, you’ve probably seen the ads that say it’s …
Only on Bali
I hadn’t realized how relaxing Bali was for me last time I was here.
I visit a lot of sites when I travel, and I like to see as many people and as much of the local culture as I can wherever I go. But Bali has a different speed to it that you don’t experience anywhere else.
No matter how fast my friend Westi drove his truck or how many appointments I had, it never felt rushed. I never felt pressed for time. I sort of forgot about that until I came back these last few days.
I had a completely different sense of time when I was in Africa. Like I didn’t have enough of it to do everything I wanted. I stayed there longer than I had planned because I kept meeting more people and discovering new places and traditions I wanted to study…
They Fooled Us All
Macaroni and cheese. Noodles and sauce. A big plate of pasta. These foods falsely satisfy our natural cravings but are low-nutrient impostors. They fool us so well you’ll even hear …
Africa – Unquestionably the Wildest Continent
Africa… there I was on the edge of the wildest spot in Tanzania, on the wildest continent left on Earth. To stand there on the edge of the Ngorongoro crater …
More Than A Vitamin
I’ve been telling you stories and showing you photos from my trips through the rainforests in Africa. So it wouldn’t surprise me if you have the impression that I haven’t …
Is Frankenbug in Your Food?
Frankenbug is loose on the farm, and no one knows what will happen next. A brand-new microscopic bug that never existed before in nature is now in animal feed that …
The Secret of South Africa’s Best Herbalist
Today I’m in East London, South Africa, meeting with Doctor Josiah Kizito. He’s well-known as a researcher and expert in natural healing methods, and especially in the use of African …
Six Swaps For Your Best Health
I’ve seen and read a lot of media stories and advice columns on how to drop weight since the new year began. They all seem to have a lot of …