Rid Your Body of Today’s Toxins

Conventional medical doctors do not recognize the value of herbs in general. I strongly believe there is enough research to support their use. With or without their doctors, people all …

Aromatic Herb from Africa's Heart

There I was…watching the African savanna change into jungle before my eyes. I stood on the northern side of Lake Victoria and started the day looking at a straw-colored landscape. …

The Supreme Court Decides

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law that many of you know as “Obamacare” yesterday. I wrote to you about this issue last month. Many accused me of inappropriately becoming …

Is Exercise Bad for You?

There they go again. “Is Exercise Bad for You?” “Should You Stop Exercising?” The news stories were reacting to a study published in the journal PLOSone, and reported on by …

The Purest Place on Earth?

I always thought of the North Pole as the most pristine place on Earth. But not anymore. It’s totally uninhabited by humans. Yet researchers are now finding toxins from the …

Only on Bali

I hadn’t realized how relaxing Bali was for me last time I was here.
I visit a lot of sites when I travel, and I like to see as many people and as much of the local culture as I can wherever I go. But Bali has a different speed to it that you don’t experience anywhere else.
No matter how fast my friend Westi drove his truck or how many appointments I had, it never felt rushed. I never felt pressed for time. I sort of forgot about that until I came back these last few days.
I had a completely different sense of time when I was in Africa. Like I didn’t have enough of it to do everything I wanted. I stayed there longer than I had planned because I kept meeting more people and discovering new places and traditions I wanted to study…

More Than A Vitamin

I’ve been telling you stories and showing you photos from my trips through the rainforests in Africa. So it wouldn’t surprise me if you have the impression that I haven’t …

Is Frankenbug in Your Food?

Frankenbug is loose on the farm, and no one knows what will happen next. A brand-new microscopic bug that never existed before in nature is now in animal feed that …