Your right to make choices about your own body is being challenged.
I seldom, if ever, discuss politics with you. But this in one occasion when something needs to be said.
There’s a new bill in Congress.
If it passes, the FDA will have the right to permanently take away any vitamin or natural supplement it chooses. And once it’s gone, your access disappears… forever…
This Modern "Health Food" May Be Poisoning Prisoners
Have you heard what’s going on in our prison system? If not, you’re in for a shocker. Turns out, the prisoners are suing their jailors.
In January 2003, the diet of inmates in the Illinois prison system was drastically changed to include large amounts of processed soy protein. Soy replaced cheese, meat and flour in the prisoner’s diets.
When their diet changed, the inmates got seriously ill with chronic and painful constipation, alternating with debilitating diarrhea. Sharp digestive pains and vomiting occurred after soy-based meals. Fainting, heart palpitations, and panic attacks were common. Skin rashes, acne, thyroid problems, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, frequent infections, and depression were also present.
Cell Phone Safety List
When I was hiking through the Andes, I saw people chatting on their cell phones. In Kerala, India, I saw fishermen call into shore their boats to negotiate a price for the day’s catch. They even send pictures!
Cell phones are ubiquitous. Especially in the third world, they give people that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it access to the internet. And in that way, the cell phone is one of the greatest inventions of our time.
But I’m conflicted about the health consequence.
New Warning-Ritalin Kills
A new study reveals that healthy kids who take Ritalin have a whopping 500 percent greater risk of sudden death. These aren’t kids with pre-existing heart conditions. The results would have been worse if they were included.
Here’s proof that what you’ve been told for decades – that Ritalin is safe for kids – couldn’t be further from the truth.
Like Strawberries with Your Pesticides?
Do you wonder if buying organic is worth the extra money?
Well… it depends on what you’re buying.
The definition of “organic” has been degraded to the point where sometimes it doesn’t mean anything. Some “organic beef” can be just as bad as the estrogen-drenched, grain-fed junk you see going for 99 cents a pound.
With produce it can be just as tricky. Some are downright poisonous. Others aren’t as bad. I have a rule of thumb I give my patients…
Monsanto Lawyer to Control Our Food Supply
Talk about putting the fox in charge of the hen house…
President Obama recently selected Michael Taylor, former chief lobbyist for Monsanto, as the new “food safety czar” at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Million Dollar Bribe
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pay off as obvious as this one.
And I’ve been watching companies buy FDA approval for decades. In fact, a huge portion of the FDA’s budget comes directly from Big Pharma and other industries in the form of “user fees.”…
What's Really for Dinner?
I just got word of what sounds like a great new movie. In fact, it could change the way you think about what you eat—forever.
It’s called Food, Inc. You’ve got to see it.
Forget Big Pharma's Phony Heart "Drug"
Get a load of this. Big Pharma giant Merck is trying to re-package one of Nature’s most potent heart health allies… and sell it to you as a heart “drug.”
Should the FDA Regulate Your Vitamins?
Congress is pushing for the FDA to regulate your use of vitamins and supplements.
Considering the downright scary job the Food & Drug Administration has done with regulating drugs, do you want them telling you how to make healthy choices?
'Beef Up' Your Body with This Potent Nutrient
Almost everyone in my nutrition class thinks that red meat is bad for you – not too surprising since the FDA, USDA, AMA, and just about everyone else has been telling you this for decades. This is very bad advice…
Avoid This Cancer-Causing Trap
A recent National Cancer Institute study reveals that the rate of deadly melanoma jumped 50% in young women yet stayed the same in young men between 1973 and 2004.
What’s behind this trend? Is it mainstream medicine’s belief that women get too much sun exposure?
The FDA Kept This Secret from You for 70 Years
Dear Health Conscious Reader, Here’s yet another disturbing case of the FDA dragging its feet… After 70-plus years, the FDA is finally warning doctors that a category of drugs used …
Dinner from a Test Tube?
Dear Member, Are you eating cloned meat? You probably don’t know. It’s becoming common practice, but the FDA doesn’t require labeling of cloned meat. Birth defects in clones are quite …
This Popular Drug Robs Heart Strength
Dear Member, In Doctor’s House Call 65 I told you about the dangers of the popular cholesterol-lowering drug Vytorin. Vytorin is a compilation of 2 drugs: Simvastatin and Ezetimibe. Studies …
How the FDA Went Bad…
Dear Reader, There’s a good chance you have this chemical in your blood right now… The chemical is called bisphenol A (BPA). It’s used to make plastics. It’s at the …
Did Cell Phones Give Kennedy Cancer?
Dear Reader, Some people think Senator Kennedy’s cell phone caused it. Senator Ted Kennedy’s been diagnosed with a malignant “glioma,” a kind of brain cancer specifically considered a risk for …
Aspartame – Ant Poison, FDA Complaints
When you reach for a packet of NutraSweet or Splenda, you feel relieved that you’re dodging the evils of sugar. But did you know that these artificial sweeteners make good ant poison.
I just read a story from a lady who had a problem with carpenter ants. After spending thousands of dollars on professional exterminators and industrial poisons, she dumped 2 packets of NutraSweet in the corners of her bathroom and it killed the ants.1
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