Grilling is a hobby of mine. It’s nice to live in South Florida where I can grill outside all year. If you’re a regular reader you already know I like …
Could you use more energy?
Until now, CoQ10 was the most underappreciated and underutilized nutrient I’d ever come across in my lifetime. It’s so important that it should be a vitamin, yet even when I …
Tips For Fun In The Sun
Summer officially begins soon, with vacations and fun in the sun. The sun just makes you feel good – if you haven’t become afraid of it. Many of my patients …
First Your Smile, Then the Rest of You
They took human tooth enamel and dunked it in either an energy or a sports drink for 15 minutes at a time. Then they “rinsed” the enamel with artificial saliva …
She Gave Me The Food Of The Gods
The first time I cracked one open I couldn’t believe the exotic, chocolaty-vanilla smell.
Here I was in one of the most remote parts of the Amazon, looking for healing herbs to bring back for patients at my clinic. And instead I had found the “Food of the Gods.”
That’s the Greek name for the tree that produces one of the sweetest, creamiest fruits I have ever eaten.
It’s called cupuaçu (coo-poo-ah-SOO). Have you heard of it?
Let me tell you the story of how I first experienced cupuaçu…
Andrea is a small town doctor I met in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. He lives in the very tiny, quaint town of Bela Vista deep in the Amazon near the center of South America.
His father was the first white man in the area. He was a Dutch missionary who had to take a helicopter and then a boat to even reach this very, very remote part of Brazil. He came from the Netherlands, and worked with the locals who had never been exposed to white people at all.
I was having a meeting with Andrea, talking about how much things had changed. And how there were only a few isolated pockets, deep in the jungle, that had not been influenced by white people.
He was going to take me to them. And while we were having this meeting Andrea’s mother said, “Oh, those are the people who introduced us to cupuaçu.”
Addicted to Nature?
Eating a bagel and cream cheese or crunching on some pretzels is addictive in much the same way, biologically, as narcotics are.
That’s because grains like wheat, barley, and rye – and milk from cows – have something in them that acts just like morphine. They’re called “exorphins.” They can make you weak and tired, and take over your body just like they’ve taken over the Western diet.
But today I’m going to show you how to stop this from happening, get rid of the foods with exorphins that can make you weak, and give your body foods that will keep you strong.
But first, let me explain how grains can be so addictive…
My Grapefruit Prescription
You may have seen this in the news, or even heard it from your doctor: Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice when you’re taking certain prescription drugs. But you might want to give up those prescription drugs before you give up grapefruit.
Why You Should Throw Away Your Sunscreen
One of my patients took her family to a beach party. Knowing it was going to be a full day in the sun, she decided to give my new sun protection capsule a try.
After four hours of direct sunlight, she was astounded. Her skin was completely normal! There wasn’t a hint of sunburn … she wasn’t even pink.
Unfortunately, her husband and son weren’t so lucky. They hadn’t tried my new formula. So instead of being fully protected against the sun, they came home with burnt red noses and “farmer’s” tans…
A New Form of This Miracle Nutrient Is 8 Times More Powerful…
CoQ10 has made the mainstream. You can find it everywhere.
But the type of CoQ10 I want to tell you about has been completely ignored.
That’s too bad, because this new form is 8 times better at getting into your blood and staying there. And that’s where it has its miracle-like anti-aging effects.
This new form of CoQ10 may give you the opportunity to live disease-free for the rest of your life.
Today, I’ll show you how this new “reduced” form of CoQ10 gives you greater power to prevent and reverse disease. You’ll also discover that it ramps up your energy levels and slows your aging process down by a remarkable 51 percent…
Are Red Beans the New "Apple a Day"?
If you were living in a primitive environment, you wouldn’t have to worry too much about free radical damage from stress.
You’d already have a natural defense system already in place. In primitive cultures like the ones I’ve seen in Peru, Brazil, and Africa, the native diet contains thousands of antioxidants to fight free radicals.
In our westernized world, antioxidants are still the best way to guard against disease.
Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that neutralize free radicals. Any time you increase your intake of antioxidants, you’re saving your healthy cells from damage.
To get you started, here is a list of the some of the best sources of antioxidants:
Revolutionary Nutrient Issued a Patent
Get this: There’s a nutrient with a delivery system so revolutionary, the government issued a patent for it (US Patent 6 04 5809).
Researchers have been working for over 40 years to find a way to get more of this antioxidant into your body. But until now, they couldn’t find one.
Why all the fuss?
This antioxidant has a link to how long you’ll live…
Are Your Muscles Shrinking?
You don’t set out to become frail and weak in your old age. But a study I’m looking at right now suggests that’s exactly what will happen to you.
This study shows that oxidative stress is causing your muscles to waste away.1
Oxidative stress is when you have too many damaged molecules, called “free radicals,” in your body. They attack your healthy cells…
Put THAT in Your Pipe and Smoke It!
I still see doctors writing and saying there is no evidence that vitamins really do anything for anyone.
Oh, really? What about this?
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada just published the results of a new study of a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. They showed that they could delay major aspects of aging. And, it extended lifespan by 10 percent!
She Said Her Hair Hurt…
PAIN… In my work, I’ve seen more kinds than I can count.
Joint pain… back pain… headache… stomachache… eye pain… tooth pain… earache… stiff, aching neck pain… labor pain… kidney stone pain…
One patient even told me her hair hurt!
Believe me, I could go on. But my point is this…
All these kinds of pain have three things in common:
Not Just Grandma's Pumpkin Pie Spice
Traditional Eastern herbalists often suggest one multi-purpose herb for several different problems. But Western medicine seems stuck on “one problem, one solution.” Chances are, if you visit a clinic with six different complaints, you’ll wind up taking six different pills.
That’s never struck me as the best way to approach overall health. Like traditional herbalists, I prefer supplements that support multiple health goals.
One of my favorites is a common spice you probably have in your kitchen right now.
Life Is Like a Box of Chocolates
If you ate chocolate on Valentine’s Day, I have some news for you. You don’t have to feel guilty.
In fact, I have evidence that you may have cut your risk from dying of a stroke nearly in half.
Two studies give us great news about chocolate.
The first study found that people who ate one serving of chocolate per week were 22% less likely to have a stroke.1
The second study found that people who ate 50 grams of chocolate once a week were 46% less likely to die following a stroke than those who didn’t eat chocolate.2
About 80% of strokes occur when there isn’t enough blood getting to the brain.3 Your brain is starved of oxygen and nutrients and begins to die immediately…
Swine Flu Is Still a Danger
The swine flu is lingering.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says 50 million Americans have been infected so far.
My office is still getting a lot of mail and phone calls about it. And when it comes to you and my patients, I do have concerns.
The swine flu isn’t the huge pandemic the fear-mongers were predicting. But it’s having widespread effects… especially on the elderly and those who have a low immune threshold.
And here’s the real problem: If you’ve been loading up on a lot of refined foods… if you aren’t getting enough antioxidants… if you’re stressed out and not getting enough sleep… if you suffer from recurrent inflammation…
Lance Armstrong Takes This for Energy
World-class cyclist Lance Armstrong uses a powerful nutrient to safely and naturally boost his athletic performance.
It’s so reliable; Olympians and serious exercisers are flocking to it for help during strenuous workouts.1
I’m talking about quercetin, a powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory bioflavonoid that also boosts the immune system and increases mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) in your muscles and brain.