New PACE Program – A Sneak Peek

I’ve now written four books about PACE, and I’m excited to tell you that we’re taking a fifth step. We’re putting together a brand new video program about PACE. You’re going to be able to take your PACE workout to a new level. You’ll get the progressivity built right in, with easy-to-follow workouts and advice.

Did I Make the Army Stop Running?

Did you ever hear about the time I went to an Air Force Base?
I can’t tell you which one. The Air Force Colonel I met with, let’s call him “KL,” asked me not to make this public.
You see, KL had called me one day and said he was a fan of PACE. He had read my book, does PACE himself, and uses it to train Air Force staff, especially those returning to active duty.
KL had also set up PACE classes for women who have just had babies and the wives of servicemen on the base.
Why is the Air Force interested in PACE?

The Lungpower Secret of Fighter Pilots

Did you ever hear about the time I went to an Air Force Base?
I can’t tell you which one. The Air Force Colonel I met with, let’s call him “KL,” asked me not to make this public.
You see, KL had called me one day and said he was a fan of PACE. He had read my book, does PACE himself, and uses it to train Air Force staff, especially those returning to active duty.
KL had also set up PACE classes for women who have just had babies and the wives of servicemen on the base.
Why is the Air Force interested in PACE…

Can You Answer "Yes" to This Question?

Congratulations on being a part of the PACE revolution.
If you’ve been using PACE properly, you know that the key to achieving your goals is to reach the supra-aerobic zone.
But many of my patients tell me they’re not sure how to tell if they’ve reached their supra-aerobic zone or whether they’re doing their exertion and recovery periods properly. On top of that, some of them have had a hard time tracking their progress.
Here’s what I ask them: Are you measuring your heart rate?

76 Pounds and Counting…

When Terri comes into my office, she lights up the room.
It’s hard to miss. Her smile radiates hope, victory, and real happiness.
If you’re not familiar with her story, Terri started PACE last year and lost 45 pounds in just four months. And it all started from walking for 45 seconds, then resting. At the time, that’s all she could do.
By December, she had dropped a total of 66 pounds…

I Have Some Exciting News…

In November I’ll be lecturing at a conference given by the leading association for alternative and integrative medicine.
The American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) has invited me to present PACE.
This is a big honor. And I’m excited about this opportunity to get the word out to thousands of doctors from over 30 countries who will be there…

Ready for Your Beach Body?

With summer here, everyone wants that beach body. And they want it in record time.
That’s why everyone is asking for the “fat burner.”
“Who was that guy that lost 28 pounds in 10 weeks?”
“I heard about the lady who says she gets noticed everywhere she goes…”
That’s what I hear in the office.
Here’s the deal: I do have a slimming formula. And the stories you’ve been hearing are true.

Air Force "Hush-Hush" Over My Visit

A few weeks ago, I told you about the time I went to an Air Force base.
But I didn’t tell you everything in that first letter.
There’s more to the story.
If you remember, the Air Force Colonel “KL” is a fan of PACE and uses it to train Air Force staff, especially those returning to active duty.
He invited me to one of the largest Air Force bases in the world to give him and his staff some PACE training ideas. The Colonel asked me not to make it public, so I can’t give you any other details…

Is PACE Becoming Classified Information?

Did you ever hear about the time I went to an Air Force Base?
I can’t tell you which one. The Air Force Colonel I met with, let’s call him “KL,” asked me not to make this public.
You see, KL had called me one day and said he was a fan of PACE. He had read my book, does PACE himself, and uses it to train Air Force staff, especially those returning to active duty.
KL had also set up PACE classes for women who have just had babies and the wives of servicemen on the base.
Why is the Air Force interested in PACE?

The Fat You Can't Pinch

There is a kind of fat that you don’t see. It’s toxic and it’s deadly.
Visceral fat is internal fat. It wraps around organs like your heart, liver, and kidneys. It fills up all the space in your abdominal cavity, so there’s no room left for your organs, nerves, and vessels to function properly.
It’s far more dangerous to your health than subcutaneous fat, which lies right beneath your skin. Subcutaneous fat is what you poke at and pinch. Like the “spare tire” you get around your middle…

On the Road With Dr. Sears

The buzz was incredible.
When Dr. Sears showed the audience how Terri had dropped 45 pounds by walking just 45 seconds, the audience gasped.
Normally stoic doctors with “been there, done that” demeanors suddenly were paying attention like I’ve never seen before.
If you were one of the lucky ones in attendance, you know what I’m talking about…

Better Blood Flow Where You Need It

As little as six minutes of vigorous exercise a day can improve your sex life.
The key is blood flow.
Short bursts of exertion ramp up blood flow far beyond anything you could get from aerobic exercise.
Here’s how:
The University of Rochester reports that vigorous exercise causes an increase in blood flow, boosting the supply of nitric oxide in your body.1
Nitric oxide is critical in getting an erection. It causes your arteries to relax and decreases inflammation…


I just saw Terri Lyttle…
She came into my office first thing this morning. She had a big smile and went around saying hello to everyone. I’ve never seen her happier.
Terri’s my patient who lost 45 pounds by walking for 45 seconds. If you knew Terri a few months ago, you’d understand. She wasn’t always so happy-go-lucky. When she first came to see me, she was tired, frustrated, and very overweight.
Today her feet barely touch the ground.
In case you missed it, I included Terri’s story below…

Heart Breaking News About Athletes

Here’s the most important thing about exercise for your heart…
Endurance training, like cardiovascular endurance (“cardio” for short), is not the only thing your heart and lungs need. It won’t keep your heart and lungs from shrinking with age. And it won’t make your heart less prone to disease.
Here’s proof…

What You Need First After Exercising

Do you dread those everyday aches and pains so much that it keeps you from exercising in the first place?
You don’t have to let those aches and pains stop you anymore.
It’s possible to eliminate muscle aches and stiffness immediately after working out. And you can help rebuild your muscles at the same time.
What you have to do is immediately put back things you use up during exercise. This means carbohydrates and proteins…

Waiting to Exhale

On my last trip to India, I met a yoga teacher at the center where I stayed. Every morning we’d wake before dawn. As we watched the sunrise over the mountain, he taught me how to breathe.
Yoga breathing balances your parasympathetic nervous system. This is your “rest and digest” system. It’s what makes you relax and recuperate. These days, we’re so over-stimulated, we’re always in a state of “fight or flight” (your sympathetic nervous system). Too much stimulation leads to an over dominance of sympathetic tone.
Breathing can change that…

Get Physical and Grow Younger

In just minutes a day, you can program your genes to stay younger longer.
There’s new evidence that PACE-style movement slows down your aging clock, lengthening your life and making you more resistant to disease.
The professor that led the study said, “The act of exercising may actually protect the body against the aging process… and people may actually look and feel younger.”1
Research now shows that exercise has the power to turn back time. Exercise affects your telomeres, making them longer and stronger. The telomere is your biological clock. It determines how long you live. And how well you live…

Dr. Sears' #1 "Rule"

A revealing study found something very important. For some reason, I find that people have a hard time believing it. But because it is so valuable, let’s see if I can convince you…
People who eat low-carb, high-protein diets lose fat and gain muscle.1
In fact, in this study, the people who ate a high-protein diet shed seven pounds in six weeks. The group who followed a standard diet didn’t drop any weight. And, the high-protein group simultaneously gained twice as much muscle…