Terri isn't used to all this attention…

Since I first told you about Terri’s remarkable PACE transformation, my office has received hundreds of calls, emails, and letters from people around the country.
They all want to know one thing:
How did Terri drop 68 pounds (and counting!) just from walking for 45 seconds, then resting?
It flies in the face of everything you’ve been told about exercise and weight reduction. What about doing hours of cardio? What about jumping around in aerobics class and sweatin’ to the oldies?
Terri is proof that you don’t need aerobics and cardio. You never did…

Thank you, thank you, my friend…

So where does this “thank you” come from? It’s from a letter I received from Grant S., who got results right off the bat using my PACE fitness program.
My new fitness book, PACE: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution, has just been published. And it picks up right where my first book, Rediscover Your Native Fitness, left off.
The new guidelines and streamlined style will accelerate your progress and get you there in half the time.
And the approach to getting started could not be easier…

The Day is Finally Here…

You are one of the first to see this.
For the first time you have access to my new PACE program.
For two years I’ve been re-working PACE to make it simpler and easier to follow, especially if you feel out-of-shape or too busy to get started.
I first published PACE back in November of 2006. It’s the first complete program that protects your heart, pumps up your lung volume, and burns fat in just 12 minutes a day.
Today, thousands of people from a dozen countries around the world are practicing my PACE program. And hundreds have sent me letters and emails, including my own patients here in South Florida…

Were These Native Americans Real-Life "Super Men"?

When I was in Arizona getting ready to climb Humphreys Peak, I did some research on Native Americans.
Back in the old West, Native Americans enjoyed a kind of power and vigor that is hard for us to understand or believe.
Cabeza de Vaca, one of the first Europeans to explore what is now Texas and the Southwest in the 16th century, lived among the Native Americans for eight years.
He observed, “One Native American ran down a buffalo on foot and killed it with his knife as he ran by its side.”…

Dr. Sears' Personal Fat Loss Regimen

I’m in the same boat as everyone else. Occasionally, I discover that I’ve put on a few extra pounds. So I have to refocus.
When I was getting ready to climb Humphries Peak, I didn’t want to carry any extra weight up the mountain with me. Even a few pounds can make a difference in a climb like that.
So I decided to get lean. I made some simple changes and dropped 15 lbs. quickly.
You can do it too. Here’s what I did.

Beat Cancer with Exercise?

Here’s one for you: PACE may save you from cancer.
A new study shows that high intensity exercise cuts your risk of getting cancer in half.1
The study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, followed Finnish men for 16 years. It tracked the type of activity the men did each week. And it found that the higher the intensity of the exercise, the lower the risk of getting cancer…

German Secret That Won Olympic Gold

Eighty years ago, two Germans figured out a brilliant way to burn fat fast.
Back in the 1930s, a German doctor and a track coach got together and invented this brilliant training technique.
The athletes sprinted 200 meters and rested for a short time.
Then they did again. A 200-meter sprint followed by a short period of rest. And again.
It worked. Their students broke world record after world record. Roger Banister, the first man to run the mile in under 4 minutes, used this workout.

What I Do First Thing In The Morning

When my alarm clock goes off at 6 o’clock in the morning, I do two things: lace up my cross trainers and strap on my heart rate monitor.
Then I go to the kitchen, drink 12 oz. of pure H2O and start my PACE program.
Fifteen minutes later, I’m finished. That’s all the time it takes to strengthen your heart, expand your lung capacity, and keep yourself in shape. You don’t need to suffer through long, boring workouts or sign up for an expensive gym membership.

Marathon Kills 3 More in 16 Minutes…

This weekend it happened again.
In 16 minutes 3 people lost their lives at the Detroit marathon.
Thirty-six-year-old Daniel Langdon collapsed at about 9:02 am on Sunday between the 11 and 12-mile markers and 65-year-old Rick Brown collapsed at 9:17 am, near where Langdon went down. One minute later, 26-year-old Jon Fenlon collapsed just after finishing the 13.1-mile half-marathon.
When I was watching the news this morning I heard the announcer say sudden death “was rare” during marathon events. I suppose that depends on how you define “rare.”…

Exercising But Not Losing Weight?

A cover story in TIME magazine tells you exercise won’t help you lose weight.
In the article, a professor from Louisiana State University says, “… for weight loss, exercise is pretty useless.”1
If you’re a regular reader you may already recognize the ignorance of this professor’s statement.
What is he missing?

How Old Are Your Lungs?

Today is my 53rd birthday and to celebrate I invited some of my family out West.
We’re here in Flagstaff preparing to climb Humphreys Peak, Arizona’s highest mountain. My brother Dave and my son Dylan are here with me. Tomorrow morning we leave base camp.

Getting Lean is as Easy as Pushing Play

I’m stunned. I just went online and discovered other companies using my PACE articles – even excerpts from my book – to sell their own exercise programs. There are at least a dozen Google ads and YouTube videos on PACE, all of which have nothing to do with me or the real PACE program.

'My What’s Shrinking?!'

“Your lungs… I said your lungs are shrinking.” I’ve actually said this more than a couple of times to my patients. You see, I mean the size of my patients’ lungs. Why? Because they shrink with age. And that’s not good.

Resculpt Your Body By Walking for 45 Seconds

Soon you’ll have access to my new PACE program.
For two years I’ve been re-working PACE to make it simpler and easier to follow; especially if you feel out of shape or too busy to get started.
I first published PACE back in November of 2006. It’s the first complete program that protects your heart, pumps up your lung volume and burns fat in minutes a day…

What Jogging Really Does to Your Body

If you’re thinking about taking up jogging to get in shape, I urge you to listen to this amazing story first…
A few weeks ago I watched this story on ESPN. Robert Kraft – known to his fans as “Raven” – has jogged 8 miles on Miami Beach every day for the last 34 years. On March 29, 2009, he hit an epic milestone. 100,000 miles of jogging.

Get the 6-Minute 'Bathing Suit Body'

Summer’s here. That means it’s time to roll out your “beach-ready” body for maximum outdoor fun.
If you’re not feeling quite there yet, don’t sweat it. My good friend and PACE® trainer Coach Yari just showed me and my staff a turbo-charged 6-minute workout. It’s awesome. This routine will get your body burning fat like a blowtorch.