Nearly 40 years ago, scientists from the Soviet Union developed a miracle therapy. Since then it’s been used throughout Eastern Europe and Asia. More than 85 institutions in over 37 …
Lose Weight by Basking in the Sun
Our primal ancestors were tuned into nature in ways we can’t begin to understand. They survived — and thrived — on the flesh of animals they chased and brought down …
Diabetes, a Hereditary Disease? Doctor Dead wrong
O.P. used to suffer from type 2 diabetes — but he doesn’t anymore. His doctor told him it was hereditary. And that it was just a matter of time …
Eskimo Secret for Strong Joints and Bones
In a recent study, Swedish researchers had arthritic patients consume 90% of their daily calories from fat. This type of eating plan is similar to what many native tribes …
Powerhouse Mineral You Aren’t Getting
U.S. drug approvals hit a 21-year high in 2017. The FDA gave the green light to 46 new drugs. That’s twice as many as in 2016. Now, a lot of …
Curcumin Cured Her Cancer
Dieneke Ferguson battled blood cancer since 2007. She had three rounds of grueling chemotherapy and four bone marrow transplants. She described the side effects of her prescription drugs as “terrifying.” …
Nature’s Newly Discovered Brain Booster
Nature provides the perfect remedy for everything that might go wrong with the human body. And that includes your aging brain. The science backs me up on this… And now, …
Fight Flu Season With “Noble” Plant
Nakirijja is one of the most inspirational healers I’ve met. She’s practiced herbal medicine for more than 70 years. I’ll never forget one of the most unique herbalists I ever …
FDA Wages War on Healing Ozone Therapy
Dr. John H. Kellogg’s most prominent claim to fame is his invention of ready-to-eat boxed cereals marketed as healthy breakfast foods. But what most people don’t know about Dr. Kellogg …
Nitrous Oxide, Nature’s “Hydraulic Pump” Prevents Alzheimer’s
A few years back, my sons introduced me to a movie franchise called “The Fast and the Furious.” It’s all about souped-up cars and the underground world of illegal street …
Normalize blood sugar with stem cell boosters
All the patients that I see in my clinic are special… But sometimes there’s a patient who really leaves a mark on you. I recently had a patient like that. …
Urgent news about Syndrome Zero
I have urgent news. I consider this to be the biggest health crisis of all time. As a matter of fact, it’s a rapidly growing pandemic spreading around the world. …
Join my unique protocol to eliminate Syndrome Zero
Today I want to talk to you about how to beat the most urgent public health threat of our time — a condition I call Syndrome Zero. This condition …
Zoo cure heals humans
One of the highlights of my trip to Tanzania in 2012 was visiting the Ngorongoro Crater and Conservation Area. They have the largest lions on the planet. I got very …
BMI: Tom Brady is obese?
Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement of your body fat percentage. And based on the results, you are labeled normal, overweight or obese. But BMI can give you …
Are your medications affecting your memory?
Many of today’s most popular drugs can make you forgetful. They inhibit your brain’s chemical messengers. And this blocks your concentration, memory and ability to focus. More specifically, these …
Vision: “I no longer need glasses!”
I love hearing directly from my patients. And then sharing their stories with you… Take my patient Tom P. Tom had some serious health conditions — congestive heart failure, …
Nurturing natural nails
Have you ever been too embarrassed to kick off your shoes and walk around barefoot? If you’ve ever suffered from toenail fungus, you know what I’m talking about. Your …