Can Pigs Lie?

You should see the e-mails I’m getting about “Pigs Don’t Lie.” I never knew pigs were so popular…
Have you heard about this? Researchers took a group of pigs, fed them one simple nutrient, and the pigs dropped their fat and got lean from that one change only.
It’s a nutrient you probably don’t get enough of, but everyone needs. In fact, your body uses it to:

Reset Your Hormone Switch to "Normal"

Have you ever shivered on a cold day? Felt a little light-headed when you stood up too fast? I’m sure you’ve broken a sweat while doing your PACE exercises, right?
In all these situations, what you’re feeling is your body trying to return itself to a “normal” state. In medical terms, we call it homeostasis – a fancy way of saying that your body is reacting to its environment and trying to get back within its natural chemical, hormonal and temperature ranges.
For example, when your energy levels are low, the conventional wisdom would tell you that your hunger hormones (like leptin and insulin) signal your body to “eat more, expend less.” And when you’ve eaten enough, your hormones should tell you that you’ve had enough.

Busting 3 Fat-Loss Myths

One of the worst myths I hear is that eating “health food” will help you stay lean.
The truth is you can eat nothing but tofu and rice cakes all day, and live the life of a monk, and still gain weight in today’s world. That’s because the key to high-speed fat burning has nothing to do with what modern “nutritionists” are talking about.
Let me explain…

Pigs Don't Lie

If you want to fight fat and keep a lean, muscular body, you can try going to the gym and spending hours and hours lifting, running, spinning…
…or you can use chromium.
Did you know that one study took commercial pigs and fed them chromium, and measured significant fat reduction? They changed nothing else about the pigs … all they did was give them chromium and they got lean.1 Not only that, but they had an increase in muscle, as well.

Pigs Don't Lie

If you want to fight fat and keep a lean, muscular body, you can try going to the gym and spending hours and hours lifting, running, spinning…
…or you can use chromium.
Did you know that one study took commercial pigs and fed them chromium, and measured significant fat reduction? They changed nothing else about the pigs … all they did was give them chromium and they got lean.1 Not only that, but they had an increase in muscle, as well.

"Dr. Sears, Are You OK?"

When I realized my new sleep remedy worked so well, I got excited thinking about all of my patients who can finally sleep better. Patients like Al, a 59-year old executive who travels so much, his body’s confused from all of the time-zone changes.
Then there’s Pamela, a single mom and working woman. She’s so stressed about paying the bills and having enough time for her son, she often lies awake at night. As she puts it, “I can’t seem to shut off my brain!”
And Carol, a sweet woman in her early 70s who always comes to her appointments showing the latest pictures of her grandchildren. She seems relaxed and loves retired life, but she can’t sleep more than five hours a night.
Chances are you know what it’s like to wake up groggy in the morning, wishing you slept more. The simple truth is, missing a good night’s sleep is not good for your overall health and vitality.

The Secret to Losing Holiday Fat Fast

How bad did you pig out yesterday?
At least you have a good excuse, right? I know I’m back to working out today. If you want to learn how to burn off those holiday pounds fast, here’s what I do:
The secret to really kicking up fat loss is to exert yourself at the “supra-aerobic” level.
But how do you get to where your exertion is at the supra-aerobic level? That’s the key. And that’s why I developed PACE.

Suffering Succotash

I like the word “succotash.” Not because I like to eat it, or even because the cartoon cat Sylvester still cracks me up every time he lisps, “Thufferin’ thuccotash!”
I like it because not only is it a great-sounding word, it’s also a great example of how so-called “nutritionists” have rewritten history. And how backward modern “diet” advice is.

No One Wants To Stop

Everyone who tries it has something good to say about it… And when they run out they always want more. No one wants to stop taking it. When the rest of the world catches up – this little-known West African herb could become recognized as the most effective weight-loss supplement ever discovered.

Your Ultimate Fat-Loss Hormone

Researchers discovered a hormone that can help us unlock the mystery of weight gain – and weight reduction. Leptin is a hormone made from fat cells, and tells your brain how much energy you have and how to use it. When you have enough, leptin tells your brain to stop eating and start melting fat. When your energy is low, leptin tells your brain to increase your appetite, so you’ll start eating.

Claudia Has a New Life

Claudia from Colorado has been feeling much better. She tells me she’s in the best mood of her life, her food cravings are gone and she’s dropping weight.
In just a couple of months, Claudia feels so good she’s telling her friends about it.
“I’ve convinced a dozen friends this works. One friend called me after five days to tell me she had no signs of PMS for the first time in two years!”
Great stuff.
Ease your hunger cravings, improve your mood, burn fat and drop pounds faster than you think is possible.
Read on and you can find out how…

How to Avoid the Hunger Hormone

When your doctor gave you your last prescription for an antibiotic, did he tell you it would make you fat?
He should have. Because taking antibiotics regularly can do all kinds of strange things to your body. And that includes making you gain weight.
The bacteria in your gut play an important role in determining whether your body stores the food you eat as excess pounds.
Let me explain…

Drop Weight by Eating This at Breakfast

You can drop weight and reduce fat without ever counting a calorie or stepping on a treadmill.
It all depends on what you eat first thing in the morning. You can program your metabolism for the rest of the day.1
When you eat a high-fat breakfast, it turns on your fat-burning metabolism. You’ll drop fat off your body and use up the calories you eat for the rest of the day.

Wherever she goes, people talk…

Teresa looks spectacular in a bikini.
Men half her age walk up to her and start conversations, or tell her how great she looks. Wherever she goes, people talk.
But it wasn’t always like that. Teresa used to weigh 204 pounds and wear a size 14 dress…

Turn Off Your Obesity Gene

Have you resigned yourself to gaining weight because it “runs in the family”?
Bad genetics doesn’t have to catch up with you. You can change your genes simply by making a few adjustments to your diet.1
When you eat certain foods, nutrients release hormones that switch your genes on and off. And the nutrients in low-glycemic foods turn off genes that lead to weight gain and diseases that may follow.
We found this out when we studied the response to the glycemic index (GI) in people who have metabolic syndrome…

Obesity in a Lo-Cal Can

People are still surprised to learn diet sodas don’t give you what they promise. You may drink them because they have no calories. But diet sodas don’t help you drop weight. They make you fat instead. And you can get hooked on them.
I came across an article in JAMA about just how addicting those diet soft drinks are. When you drink them, changes take place in your brain that make you behave differently.1
Your self-control goes out the window. Your body actually becomes addicted to the unnatural sweetness like it’s a drug…

Ready for Your Beach Body?

With summer here, everyone wants that beach body. And they want it in record time.
That’s why everyone is asking for the “fat burner.”
“Who was that guy that lost 28 pounds in 10 weeks?”
“I heard about the lady who says she gets noticed everywhere she goes…”
That’s what I hear in the office.
Here’s the deal: I do have a slimming formula. And the stories you’ve been hearing are true.