Are Red Beans the New "Apple a Day"?

If you were living in a primitive environment, you wouldn’t have to worry too much about free radical damage from stress.
You’d already have a natural defense system already in place. In primitive cultures like the ones I’ve seen in Peru, Brazil, and Africa, the native diet contains thousands of antioxidants to fight free radicals.
In our westernized world, antioxidants are still the best way to guard against disease.
Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that neutralize free radicals. Any time you increase your intake of antioxidants, you’re saving your healthy cells from damage.
To get you started, here is a list of the some of the best sources of antioxidants:

Do We Have to Throw Away Our Fishing Poles?

I love to fish. Even though, when I take my son Dylan fishing, he catches fish like crazy, and I never seem to catch a thing. But it doesn’t matter. Fishing puts us in a different world. As the Babylonian proverb says, “The gods do not deduct from man’s allotted span the hours spent fishing.”
So… How sad it was for me to discover that we can’t eat the fish caught in most streams anymore.
I’ve always believed it’s better to eat wild cod, wild salmon, and bass we catch in freshwater streams, because it’s far healthier than farm-raised fish. But there’s some disturbing news I need to share with you. Wild-caught fish is not the clear-cut choice it used to be…

Converted Die-Hard Vegetarian

More and more die-hard vegetarians are becoming meat eaters. Why the change of heart? It’s simple: They’re plumb tired of being sick and tired.
“For 14 years I felt sick, nauseated, and bloated,” says Lierre Keith. She’s the author of The Vegetarian Myth, one of the most important books on this subject. “Anything I ate became a bowling ball lodged in my stomach.”
Her stomach was distended because her digestion was damaged from her vegetarian diet. To fix it, she had to return to eating meat…

Are You Eating a Gasoline Additive?

I don’t mind telling you… I hate soy. I loathe it.
Soy sucks nutrients right out of your bloodstream. It can turn a man into a woman. Soy is one of the worst crops for the environment. It destroys the soil and wrecks our ecosystem.
And now, here’s another reason to hate it even more.
Natural-food manufacturers are using a toxic chemical called hexane to process the soy in their products.1
This is the same substance that makes gasoline explode. It’s the stuff in glue that gets you high. Hexane fumes go straight to your brain and cause damage almost immediately.
Some of these foods are probably in your kitchen cupboard right now. And you probably thought they were good for you because they say “Natural” on the label.
Here’s how it’s happening…

No Drug Delivers Results Like This…

Vitamin D can keep you from having a heart attack. It’s as simple as that.
Not only that, it does it with no side effects.
I’m not being dramatic here. In fact, just last month, I found more proof.
Researchers proved that people with the highest levels of vitamin D had a 43 percent lower rate of heart disease.

History Lesson for Vegetarians

Our ancient ancestors ate meat. They prized it above all else.
I find a sort of evidence for this myself when I travel to areas of the world where men and women are still living in nature, unaffected by the western world.
I’ll be traveling back to the Amazon jungles of Peru this summer to live among the native Ashanikas, and I’ll tell you all about it. Not only do they eat meat, but they’re doing much better than the natives who have switched to a western-style diet.
This has probably been our history for millions of years. Vegetarians like to think otherwise, but a recent discovery may prove them wrong…

Not Just Grandma's Pumpkin Pie Spice

Traditional Eastern herbalists often suggest one multi-purpose herb for several different problems. But Western medicine seems stuck on “one problem, one solution.” Chances are, if you visit a clinic with six different complaints, you’ll wind up taking six different pills.
That’s never struck me as the best way to approach overall health. Like traditional herbalists, I prefer supplements that support multiple health goals.
One of my favorites is a common spice you probably have in your kitchen right now.

Got Real Milk?

Yesterday there was a report in The Wall Street Journal that once again attacked unpasteurized milk.
The FDA has been scaring Americans about this natural food product for decades.
I come from a family of farmers, and milk was a staple of my diet growing up.
We’d have it delivered to the house in glass bottles and go through a gallon a week per person. When I’d go to my grandma’s, she’d pour me a glass straight from the bucket… straight from the cow.
Back then, we never worried about whether milk was raw or pasteurized, and we were healthy, strong, and never sick a day…

3 Foods You Should Never Eat

If you enjoy breakfast or lunch on-the-go, I understand. Our lives are so busy; we don’t always have time to cook.
But beware: Some “convenience foods” aren’t worth it. You’ll pay for it with added inches to your waistline. And those excess pounds lead to chronic diseases like obesity, cancer, and heart disease.
Here are three foods that will put you on the fast track to fat:

Nature's Cure for Indigestion

You sit down to a fine meal. A couple hours later you develop heartburn, and you reach for an antacid. One doesn’t work. So you take another. You’re bloated, gassy, and miserable. Nothing helps, so you try to go to sleep. Then at 3 a.m., you wake up with the worst burning pain you can imagine.
Clearly, antacids are not the answer.
Here’s some good news… sometimes heartburn and other digestive problems are solved by digestive enzymes.

The Health Secret That Fueled an Empire

Not long ago, I trekked through the Amazon jungles of Peru in search of healing herbs. Instead, I found something far more valuable: Sacha Inchi – the “super food” of the ancient Incas.
This oil – which comes from nuts, not fish – is so effective and nutrient dense, it’s the first real health breakthrough I’ve seen in the last decade.
Dr. Sears at the Amazon base camp near Satipo.
My trip turned out to be a real adventure…

Every ER Carries This Miracle Powder

There’s a powerful substance every hospital in the country carries in their ER to treat poison victims.
It’s so potent that one gram of it – an amount the size of your fingernail – can absorb enough toxins to fill the square footage of four tennis courts.
I’m talking about activated charcoal.
It’s a form of carbon that’s been processed into a fine, black powder. It’s odorless, tasteless, and safe to consume. And it’s more readily available than you think.

A Teaspoon for a Lifetime

Remember the red stuff your mom put on cuts and scrapes?
It contained iodine, a mineral that kills germs. But iodine is more than just an antiseptic you put on your skin. It’s a trace element essential for life. A teaspoon is all you need in a lifetime, but most people in the U.S. are deficient.
The tragedy is that many doctors don’t recognize iodine’s role in disease. You may suffer from chronic fatigue and hear “there’s no cure.” Your cholesterol or blood pressure is too high, and nothing short of drugs brings it down. Or the doctor tells you the cysts in your breasts or ovaries lead to cancer.
You may have one of these things as a result of a simple iodine deficiency.

How I Get My Energy

Today I want to tell you about something I use to get my energy.
You can use this yourself to get energized without caffeine, herbs, or sugar.
This energy boost helps me focus and stay alert… and I don’t get tired as much.
I give it to my patients when they want more energy.
They say they “jump out of bed” in the morning instead of feeling stiff and cranky. They call it their best source of energy. And they stock up on it just in case we run out…

New York City Takes On Salt

Did you see the January 10th New York Times report about salt?
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently named it his next “Public Enemy #1.”
His health department already banned trans-fats in restaurants. And forced calorie counts to be listed on menus. Now they’re taking on salt.
The real question they should be asking is not “Should you eat salt or not?” It’s “What kind of salt should you eat?”

The Truth About "Vitamin Sunshine"

You can lower your risk of 17 types of cancer by 77%, just by taking a simple nutrient:
Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin.”
Even if you take vitamins, you’re probably not getting enough D. In fact, in one study I read, when over 1,200 people were randomly screened, more than 87% had a vitamin D deficiency.
My patients do their best to get in the sun and take supplements. But when they come to my clinic, their levels of vitamin D are still too low.

Atkins Without Beef…What's Next?

Have you heard about this “Eco-Atkins Diet” that a bunch of researchers dreamed up to please vegetarians?
Dr. Atkins must be rolling over in his grave.
These veggie-wackos want a diet that offers “Atkins without animal fat.” They call it, “Eco-Atkins.”
Holy cow!
The Atkins Diet is all about eating animal protein. So how do you eat a high-protein diet without animal fat? Turns out we’re supposed to bulk up on soy burgers and wake up to the smell of vegetarian bacon – whatever that is!