This Modern "Health Food" May Be Poisoning Prisoners

Have you heard what’s going on in our prison system? If not, you’re in for a shocker. Turns out, the prisoners are suing their jailors.
In January 2003, the diet of inmates in the Illinois prison system was drastically changed to include large amounts of processed soy protein. Soy replaced cheese, meat and flour in the prisoner’s diets.
When their diet changed, the inmates got seriously ill with chronic and painful constipation, alternating with debilitating diarrhea. Sharp digestive pains and vomiting occurred after soy-based meals. Fainting, heart palpitations, and panic attacks were common. Skin rashes, acne, thyroid problems, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, frequent infections, and depression were also present.

Are You a Guinea Pig in the World's Largest Ongoing Experiment?

We are all in a kind of experiment. You never agreed to take part in it. But it’s triggering infertility, tumors, kidney and liver disease and more.
The federal government not only allows it to happen, they’re appointing people to key positions to make the experiment official policy. Case in point: President Obama’s new “food safety czar” is a former vice president at Monsanto, one of the world’s most powerful Big-Agra giants.
The political lobbying, the presidential appointments and their secretive policies are helping to put untested mutations on your dinner table in the form of GMOs – genetically modified organisms.

Were These Native Americans Real-Life "Super Men"?

When I was in Arizona getting ready to climb Humphreys Peak, I did some research on Native Americans.
Back in the old West, Native Americans enjoyed a kind of power and vigor that is hard for us to understand or believe.
Cabeza de Vaca, one of the first Europeans to explore what is now Texas and the Southwest in the 16th century, lived among the Native Americans for eight years.
He observed, “One Native American ran down a buffalo on foot and killed it with his knife as he ran by its side.”…

Yesterday's Turkey Get the Best of You?

Did you overeat on Thanksgiving? Hey, it’s a holiday, right? Who would blame you?
If those extra helpings are still sitting with you the next day, you should read this.
The problem is usually not in your stomach. It’s usually with another part of your gastrointestinal tract called the colon.
It’s does a lot of important work for you. It separates and breaks down water and waste matter. It helps you absorb nutrients and remove harmful substances from the foods you’ve eaten and keeps you “regular.”

What I Prescribe for Better Blood Sugar

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so let’s set the record straight: Eating a few extra helpings of turkey or ham will not make you fat.
It’s the stuffing and the potatoes that pack on the holiday pounds. The bottom line is insulin and how much your body makes. Starchy foods like bread and potatoes will send your blood sugar through the roof, triggering waves of fat-producing insulin…

Taking Vitamins and Still Feeling Sick?

Ever go to a restaurant where they refuse to cook your steak medium rare?
The warning that your meat is not safe unless you cook it until it’s dry and brown is bad advice. It’s not justified by the facts and cooking your food that way can cause arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
This indiscriminate overcooking of food is a bad idea. It denatures protein, breaks down vitamins and removes nutrients. Now I’ve uncovered an even more serious concern. Many cooking techniques that achieve a high temperature trigger a chemical change called glycation that mimics aging. New studies have linked eating these foods to premature aging and a host of chronic diseases.

What This Doctor Did for His Wife

I meet a lot of alternative health doctors through my Wellness Research Foundation. When Dr. David Minkoff told me his story, I needed to share it with you.
Dr. Minkoff was an emergency doctor for the Community Hospital of New Port Richey, Fla. when his wife Sue started getting sick.
She was tired all the time. She had three bouts with subacute thyroiditis, swelling of the thyroid gland that causes a host of health problems. Pain attacked her major muscle groups. She was so weak she couldn’t even lift a toothbrush.
Yet medicine couldn’t diagnose her. They ran a battery of tests for viruses… MS… ALS… nothing. They gave up.
Dr. Minkoff took his wife’s health into his own hands. He turned to alternative medicine. He dug and dug until he found the answer. What did he discover? Sue’s fillings had poisoned her.

This Metal Repairs Your DNA

Every hour of the day, your cells are under attack. Normally, this is okay because your cells have a built-in DNA repair system that fixes any damage. But when your cells are undernourished, they can lose the ability to repair themselves. And that’s bad news.
Part of the reason for the explosion of cancer in modern times is because we’re not repairing our DNA. Our bodies aren’t getting enough of the nutrients we need to make this process work.
But you can help protect yourself with a simple mineral. I’m talking about zinc…

Astonishing Study Puts You in Control of Your Genes

We used to believe that there was nothing you could do about your genes. You were stuck with what you were born with. In fact, you can turn your genes on and off or not use them at all.
A new study proves you can alter your genes with what you eat. It showed that more than 1,000 genes were changed in just six months simply by getting more of a key nutrient…

Turn Your Body into a Fat-Burning Furnace By Eating MORE Fat

Have you seen this ad for one of those fake butter spreads?
It features a 1950s family called the “Buttertons.” The mother serves the family entire sticks of butter shoved into baked potatoes. The voiceover says something like, “Back then we didn’t know much about cholesterol and saturated fats… Today, we know better.”
That means they’re telling you that you shouldn’t eat fat. It’s remarkable that this message is still dominant in the mainstream media.
The truth is we don’t eat a high fat diet. We eat less fat than our ancestors did. And yet we’re the ones with obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, clogged arteries and high blood pressure…

Ever Heard of Constipated Cavemen?

I changed the picture on my letters to you.
I’m amazed how many of you wrote to me with comments:
“Not trying to be critical but your new appearance makes you look like the caveman on the Geico commercial.”
“Dr. Sears’ Neanderthal look is like those Viking guys on the TV commercials. Cool!”
A lot of folks are asking me, “Why?”

Your Grandparents Had the Right Idea

I am writing to you this morning from my study at home. I like to write here in the early morning because I can see the sunrise through my study window.
On my desk there’s a container with some leftover salmon and spinach salad from last night. I pulled it from the fridge for breakfast.
High protein breakfasts are your best bet to get yourself going in the morning. But nowadays, they’re rare…

Three Nutrients Help Your Hearing

Patients who come to me with unwanted noise filling their head non-stop are among the most frustrated. You can’t sleep. You can’t read. It’s tough to concentrate on anything.
When I went to medical school, like all beginning doctors, I had to learn a new language. We doctors have different words for everything. So we don’t call it “ringing in your ears.” We call it tinnitus.

The 12 Most Effective Vision Boosters

American WWII fighter pilots had sharp, crystal-clear vision.
Before taking to the air they ate handfuls of a certain type of berry to improve their long-distance and night vision.
Today you can use the same winning strategy to sharpen your vision.
In the 1940’s it was known as a “folk remedy.” But today we know there’s real science behind it. Powerful micronutrients called carotenoids nourish and protect the parts of your eye that create your experience of color, sharpness and contrast…

Like Strawberries with Your Pesticides?

Do you wonder if buying organic is worth the extra money?
Well… it depends on what you’re buying.
The definition of “organic” has been degraded to the point where sometimes it doesn’t mean anything. Some “organic beef” can be just as bad as the estrogen-drenched, grain-fed junk you see going for 99 cents a pound.
With produce it can be just as tricky. Some are downright poisonous. Others aren’t as bad. I have a rule of thumb I give my patients…

This Eye Strain Reliever Really Works

“Dr. Sears, I feel like an old lady,” said Sandy D.
“I turned 40 just a few years ago and I can’t read the paper without holding it at arm’s length and even then it’s a little fuzzy. I’ve been taking these supplements, but they don’t seem to do anything.”
It didn’t take long to look at the bottle. “This won’t help you.”
You can sharpen your vision and protect your eyes from aging, but you need the right formula.